Practical, simple, and scientifically accurate health, nutrition, exercise, and sustainable fat loss tips from an experienced Wellness doctor and mother of two... mixed with personal stories of parenting trials and tribulations, walking the cancer journey with both parents, helping others see things from the other side of the paradigm... and finding the blessings and humor in it all! Healthier does not have to mean harder! Join me in the healthy fun!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Summer Survival Tips (part 2)
"Last time, I talked about Sunshine, Vitamin D and Sunscreen. I’ve learned a similar lesson about Bug Spray as I learned with sunscreen. Basically, I’ve learned that your skin feeds right into the rest of your body—whatever you put ON it goes directly IN you. I've even heard some grown-ups say, "If you wouldn't eat it, you shouldn't put it on your skin!" Mom says that's a good start, but it still doesn't give her much confidence... that's because she just about flips her lid when she thinks about what people WILL voluntarily eat! Anyway, I get the point though. We should be much more conscious of what we're "feeding" our skin, because it really does end up feeding all the cells inside us.
Mom refuses to spray us (or our living area, yard, etc.) with chemicals, especially since SO many of them are proven carcinogens (it means they can cause cancer). We use citronella, even on our bodies. Mom sprays us with “Buzz Away” by Quantum, and bugs leave us alone! We also mix about 45 drops of Agrisept with water in a spray bottle (it's a super concentrated citrus extract that demolishes bacteria, viruses, fungi, candidia, mold, etc... mom and dad have carried it at the office for years. If you'd like more info, contact them through he same thing mom and dad have sold at the office for years). It’s cheap and it works like a charm. Oh, and NO toxic chemicals. Mom says there are many other safe and pure products available to keep the bugs away, too. You just need to do a little searching.
There's even ultra potent, pure garlic spray you can use to spray your entire yard and garden to keep mosqitoes away... mom likes it because she says it makes her feel like she's in a fabulous Italian restaurant! There are also lots of nifty electical and solar bug-zapping gadgets available now that are so much better than putting DEET are other junk on your body.
Those poor bugs don't have a chance!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Vitamins for Kids
The most significant supplement I give our children is omega 3 fatty acids - fish oil. There's no possible way our natural food sources could give them enough of this critical element these days. Even "natural", deep cold-water fish is now too toxic to consume enough to create optimal health. We're at the point where it must be supplemented with only PURE sources. We use Innate Choice products. Look for sources that are pure, pharmaceutical grade, ultra-refined, etc. If not, don't waste your money... you're only buying a concentrated form of toxins. Spend the money to get the best, safest brands.
We also give our kids probiotics. These are the naturally occurring, healthy bacteria that are supposed to be living in our gut. They are destroyed by antibiotics, stress, artificial sweeteners, coffee, drugs, tap water, etc. To keep our digestive system and immune system healthy (and, therefore, every other system healthy as well), we must ensure a sufficient amount of probiotics in our system. These days, kids don't have a chance unless we supplement with probiotics. We like Garden of Life's products for this. There are a few other good, full-spectrum choices as well.
Finally, we have a multi-vitamin/mineral on hand for the kids. I say "on hand" because we don't necessarily give it to them every day. I feel very confident that on the majority of days, I make sure that the kids are getting ample sufficient and pure sources of the essential nutrients they need from the foods I supply for them. If, for some reason, that's not the case, that's when I make sure they get the multi-vitamin/mineral supplement.
That's it! We keep it pretty simple... because we know that real health shouldn't be hard!
(More on what's in our "Natural Not-Medicine Cabinet" in an upcoming discussion.)
Friday, June 22, 2007
A Very LONG 2 Weeks!
She has also been quickly reminded that she needs to drink several glasses of water throughout the warm summer days. Apparently, this concept was not reinforced in her classroom - now I'm the 'mean' mom. I'm used to it! Especially when I have her drink a full glass of water everytime she asks for a snack!! (that's about every 10 minutes for this growing beanstalk of mine!) I have no fear of dehydration this summer!
The concept of eating greens and other veggies FIRST at each meal has made a reappearance, as well as 'no seconds of pasta or other starches until those veggies are gone!' Protein with each meal is SO much easier to monitor with her home as well.
The best (nutritional) part of having her under my roof for a few months again is NO MORE daily special occasions at school! Goodness gracious - those kids were having birthday cake, after-rest-time treats, holiday treats, imaginary friend treats, etc. a few times each week!!!! (And we wonder why kids are suffering from more sickness than at any other time in our history!! - Don't get me started!)
It has been working, though. My daughter has been asking for fruit for every snack and has been double-checking that each of her meals has protein., as opposed to excessive starches. So I DO know for a fact that it can happen. Kids CAN change their eating habits - if it's important enough for YOU, mom! If better nutritional choices ARE important to you, then I say, "Your house, Your rules!".
Of course, you know full well that I'll just get her back on the right, healthy track and it'll be time to go back to school!! Oi!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Summer Survival Tips (part 1)
"Yahoo! Summer is finally here! It’s time to make mud pies (eat ‘em when nobody’s looking), pick flowers out of mom’s garden and put worms in my pockets for safekeeping! It’s also time for sunshine, swimming, riding my bike and a whole lot of safety rules at my house! Now that I’m two, I notice a lot more… I’ve been observing and listening to what mom and dad are saying as the weather warms up, and I have some great tips to share with you!
First, let me address Sunshine. Unfiltered rays from the sun are essential for optimal health. The sun’s rays help our bodies make Vitamin D, an absolute essential for health—it’s critical in preventing cancer. Vitamin D is found in some foods like eggs and fatty fish, but it’s made very easily and efficiently by exposing your skin (especially face and hands) to the sun regularly. Wellness experts agree that the best way to do this is NOT sitting out for hours in the midday sun! Rather, it’s getting out in the sun earlier or later in the day when the sun’s rays aren’t so intense. And those same experts also say, “No sunscreen” for a few minutes in the sun is the only way for this to work. You can’t make vitamin D if you’re blocking the rays from penetrating your skin!
Now I know a lot of you grown-ups are flipping out right now about skin cancer. I understand. Let me repeat 2 things: 1) regular "gentle" exposure to the sun is a physiological requirement! and 2) I'd be WAY more worried about developing skin cancer if I were cooking myself in toxic sunscreen... baking those chemicals right into my cells. GROSS! When it’s time to protect your skin from intense rays, be very careful what you choose to put on your skin. Think about it this way: if you’re slathering on goop that’s full of chemicals, toxins and petroleum products, the sun actually ‘bakes’ that crud right into your skin… right into the cells and tissues of your body. Very, very scary… and sad that more grown-ups don’t know about this.
My mom has used various ‘clean’ products over the years that are all very effective for sun protection. It’s just a matter of finding one you like. Mom likes Sun Spray, made by the company Kiss My Face. She says “it’s not perfect, but it’s way better than most of the junk out there!”
So, as far as protecting against cancer, mom's philosophy has always been: 'Give your body it's physiological requirements in their purest form in order to create optimal health. Always increase purity and sufficiency while decreasing toxicity and deficiency. Cancer can't live in an optimally healthy environment. Simple." I hope I'm as smart as my mom some day!
Next time, I'll talk about bug spray! BUGS... my favorite!"
That's my boy! : ) Dr. C
Monday, June 11, 2007
'Attachment' Snuggles
Our kids are 5 and 2, so it still works out perfectly for our family. The best part of the sleeping arrangements is that the kids are in bed, together, by 7pm. It's during these precious hours of angelic faces and peaceful calmness that my husband and I fall more deeply in love with our little munchkins - they look so content and loving! We have witnessed them in every hilarious combination of strange contortions and intertwined positions... but mostly lots of hugs and snuggles. Needless to say, we have a growing collection of photographs of sleeping children!
It was long before having children that we knew attachment parenting was the right choice for our family - it's completely congruent with our philosophy of health & wellness, and life in general. When I was pregnant with our son, I had read several books and articles about sibling co-sleeping. The prevailing theme (in the type of parenting philosophy books I instinctively gravitate toward) was that siblings who sleep in the same bed share an incredibly deep bond and a profound connection with each other throughout life. What mother doesn't hope for that?! OK, there was a little selfishness in the decision, too... I had also read that co-sleeping siblings, and those who share a family bed, are significantly less likely to quarrel, have power struggles, taunt and tease each other, etc. Again, what mother doesnt' desperately hope for that???!!!
By the way, I had also read from several sources that co-sleeping and the family bed cause NO harm to a growing child's independence or sexual development... in fact, quite the opposite. Typically, children raised in attachment parenting families demonstrate great independence, high self-esteem and confidence in themselves.
So, who knows how they'd be if we didn't share a family bed? Who knows how long this magical stage will last? Not me. I've learned to just appreciate what today gives me, since God knows I can't control what will happen tomorrow! For today, I am thoroughly convinced that the tenets of attachment parenting are perfectly suited for our family. And I'm thrilled with the incredible, adorable connection our kids have to each other. At last glance, our two angels (while they're sleeping ,at least!) are cozied up to each other, sound asleep, surrounded by a dozen books that big sister is proud to read to little brother every night! Absolutley priceless!
Friday, June 8, 2007
Our Kids ARE Human, Afterall!
I arrived shortly after lunch and was greeted by a mom exclaiming, "Wow, your daughter can really pound the pizza!" She continued, "I told her before she could have a second piece that she needed to have some fruit... and she said, 'sure, I'll have fruit - then I'll have more pizza, OK?' " This was just one more example of parents and teachers who, once they get to know my health and nutrition philosophy, are all too happy to inform me when my children have strayed from the straight and narrow path of perfect nutritional existence!
An example from early in the school year (that really burned my buns) was a mom surprising her son and the rest of the class with an enormous birthday cake for her son's imaginary friend!!!! ????? Being early in the year, and following a classmate's birthday celebration the day before, I told the teacher that my daughter doesn't usually eat that kind of food and I'd rather keep it that way. When I arrived to pick her up that afternoon, the teacher said, "I don't know what you were talking about... she was licking the cake pan clean!"
To both of these otherwise intelligent women I say, "DUH!!!!" Of course our kids are going to eat cake, pizza and all sorts of non-health creating junk when you put it in front of their faces or offer it up on a plate to them!!! They are human, afterall! Shoot, I'm a Wellness 'expert', for cryin' out loud, and I still have a major challenge with this!! I have my feet firmly planted in reality when it comes to my daughter's food choices - if you offer her sweets or carbs, stand back... get ready to watch the show!
My point is twofold: 1) serve up healthy options first, and 2) out of sight, out of mind! If it's not there, they're not so conditioned to eating it regularly. In our house, you've got to really work for some less-healthy options! You actually need to get in the car and drive several minutes to a store. Junk is not on our regular shopping list. I'm not saying we're perfect - far from it! We've just chosen to remove the most toxic choices from our 'menu' and re-define 'treats' for our kids. When you're not used to the highly processed junk on the market today, it's amazing how sweet things like organic yogurt, granola, fresh berries and real-fruit 'popsicles' can taste!
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
ENOUGH with Birthday Land already!!!
These poor little kids' adrenal glands are taking quite a beating in the last few weeks of school! Days are longer and are filled with class parties, field trips, recognition & awards events, field days... all complete with plenty of "treats" - ie. JUNK! How did we ever come up with the commonly accepted notion that things so blatantly bad for us should be considered "treats"??? How strange! "Honey, since you've been SO good, here's some neurotoxic poison, although delicious, it's known to destroy your health. It directly contributes to obesity, every deadly disease of lifestyle like cancer, diabetes and heart disease, it will harm your immune system and lead to a chronic underlying state of inflammation. Enjoy it sweetie - you're such a great kid!"
Hey, I'm all about sampling some delicious goodies (I don't think I've ever met a truffle I didn't like!) ... BUT, you know my stance on that! Health comes first. Period. When we choose 'treats' we shouldn't confuse that with healthy choices... or as a reward. It's simply a choice - maybe a social choice, for example. Remember that health comes from regularly making choices that are sufficient and pure. Birthday cake is rarely either
I half-jokingly suggested to the teachers that on the day a birthday is being celebrated in class, we could serve some organic raw veggies and fruit first! The laughter was deafening! Really though, as moms, we could move in this direction. If we know our kids are going to have sweets or junk at some point in the day, we can make sure that their other meals and snacks are much healthier choices. At the very least, give 'em lots of water to drink so they can get rid of all those toxins more easily!
The messages directed at kids are strange and confusing enough these days. As moms, we can make this one much more clear for them!
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