Tuesday, January 15, 2008

And Another Thing...!

One last thought about those labels...

When the label or the directive comes from the family doctor, there is some unspoken, agreed upon understanding that all parents will do as the 'afflicted' child's label dictates. For example, the gluten-sensitive child at the party, or any child with an allergic response to nuts. We all honor the child's situation and do whatever we need to do to work around it in a way that keeps the child safe and doesn't make the child feel uncomfortable.

What happens when the child has a "condition" that requires him or her to refrain from the regular consumption of junk food, sweets, pop, fast food, etc.? If there were such a 'medical' label, I'd venture to guess that all the parents would jump on board to support the cause!

But since their is no medical condition that requires us to feed our children a pure and sufficient diet, while avoiding toxicity the majority of the time, this lifestyle choice is often disrespected and not taken seriously. In fact, often the child suffers the ridicule of other kids because the child eats "healthy".

How backward is that?

I think I'll make up a condition and label for our kids and all the other families out there who are doing their best to raise healthy kids! I'll call it "Ijustwannabehealthyforlife-itis". It requires absolutely NO prescribed drugs and comes with no strange list of odd ball foods to avoid. It requires real food in its purest form as well as lots of movement and happy thoughts.

AND, if you're afflicted with this condition, you can even share your recommended treatment with others!

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