Sunday, February 10, 2008

Eat Your Breakfast and Lose the FAT Pants!

I hear it all the time in the practice – “I’m too busy for breakfast. I’m not hungry in the morning. By the time I get everyone else ready, I just forget to eat!” Does this sound like you? If you’re wondering why you haven’t been able to lose weight, read on to find out why breakfast is your fat-fighting ally.

Hey, here’s some new advice: Breakfast is THE most important meal of the day! OK, so it’s not even remotely new! So why is it that it’s most likely the #1 meal that busy parents skip?

No, coffee is not a meal!

Science has repeatedly proven that people who skip breakfast and eat fewer times during the day tend to be heavier than people who eat a healthy breakfast and eat four or five smaller meals throughout the day. Skipping breakfast is an inefficient, unsuccessful way to lose weight and shed fat.

Instead, give your body some fuel within and hour of waking, and every 3 to 4 hours throughout the day. This jump starts your metabolism and keeps it revved up throughout the day. When your metabolism is working efficiently, you burn fat like it’s nobody’s business! Your metabolism is like a furnace – the stronger and steadier it burns, the more fat you can release. Supplying your ‘furnace’ with healthy fuel on a regular basis throughout the day keeps it functioning at its best. This gives you more energy, regulates your blood sugar levels, elevates your mood and keeps you lean. Frequent, healthy meals keeps your body out of the "fat storage mode".

If you choose to skip breakfast, you’re programming your body to store more fat. You’re sending the message to your body that you may not be feeding it again for quite awhile, so it goes into survival mode. The body is never stupid. It will hang onto all the fat it can so it can burn it as fuel… just in case you don’t feed it food for fuel for a long time. Not only will your metabolism be sluggish for the rest of the day, those who skip breakfast are more likely to struggle with, moodiness, stress and uncontrollable cravings which lead to binging later in the day.

Oh just eat, would you! ‘Geez, I don’t want to be around sluggish, moody, stressed out, hungry people all day!

What are the best energy boosting breakfasts? Clean, pure protein is one of the best ways to start your day. Organic, free range eggs are a great choice (with the yolks). A handful of raw almonds is also an easy way to go.

If you’re not an “egg person”, or don’t want them every day, choose a pure protein powder and make a fruit protein smoothie. My favorite protein powders are IsaLean Shake by Isagenix ( and Dream Protein (

Fruit is an energizing, refreshing breakfast choice to accompany your protein. High fiber, minimally processed, organic grains are another good choice. The more refined and processed the grains are, the more harmful they are, both to your health as well as your weight loss goals. It bears repeating – protein is the most important food group to start your day with.

Stay away from refined sugar, artificial sweeteners and high fructose corn syrup.

My 3 favorite “power” breakfasts:
1) Protein smoothie with organic blueberries, strawberries, banana and fish oil, of course!
2) Organic hemp granola (it ROCKS!), organic French vanilla yogurt, blueberries and a sprinkle of ground flaxseed. Heaven!
3) Organic, free-range egg sandwich made with organic flax, spelt or Indian Grain bread.

Don’t give me those eye rolls, missy! You’ve got to eat breakfast… preferably something that contributes to your health! It’s not hard; it just might take a little planning and getting used to. Big deal! Set your alarm and get up 5 or 10 minutes earlier. A healthier, happier, leaner YOU is certainly worth it!

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