Practical, simple, and scientifically accurate health, nutrition, exercise, and sustainable fat loss tips from an experienced Wellness doctor and mother of two... mixed with personal stories of parenting trials and tribulations, walking the cancer journey with both parents, helping others see things from the other side of the paradigm... and finding the blessings and humor in it all! Healthier does not have to mean harder! Join me in the healthy fun!
Friday, February 1, 2008
The Results of the 30 Day Cleansing and Fat Burning System are IN!
Things were different when I began the program this time around. I could tell that my body had changed (for the worse) in the weeks following my mom's passing. I felt gross... and toxic... and fat. When I stepped on the scale to "weigh in" at the beginning of the 30 day program, I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't weigh as much as I had thought I would.
It was a short-lived happiness though when I saw my body fat percentage! How did that happen?! Also, I remembered that muscle weighs more than fat. OK, now this was really not good. In the weeks I had spent in the hospital with my mom and following her death, I had obviously lost some muscle mass as a result of slacking off on my fitness routine.
Interestingly enough, I was able to maintain my cardio routine of running, but not so much my resistance routine. I was still running approximately 4 or more times per week. Pretty good, wouldn't you think? Based on my measurements and stats, this is certainly not good enough!
So what do you know... cardio without much resistance training DOES prevent you from burning fat efficiently! I experienced this first hand. I'm like my own little science experiment at times!Although I hadn't really gained any weight, I had gotten 'fatter' and my body shifted in a rather obnoxious way!
The other thing I experienced first hand is the fact that STRESS makes you fat! The short version of the story is that the physiological response to chronic stress is for the body to hold weight centripedally... that means in your midsection! Stress creates a toxic environmment. toxins "live" in fat. Since I was way more stressed than usual for a long time, my body hung onto extra fat in my abdomen. As if the stress isn't bad enough!
Once I got back into my healthy environment, things started to change. Adding workout strategies from my personal gurus, Mike Geary ( and Holly Rigsby (see her fabulous program on the right side of this page, "Fit Yummy Mommy"), helped me feel a million times better, and I very quickly felt my body changing back to its pre-stressed form!
BUT, I could have exercised 'til I was blue in the face and it wouldn't have done the trick completely because I was still TOXIC! If you have any accumulated toxicity from the way you eat, move (or don't move!), sleep, think, the environment around you... then your body simply cannot get rid of those last few pounds of toxic fat. It needs the fat to contain the toxins, simply stated.
So in my Isagenix 30 day program, although I only lost a handful of pounds this time, I really only had a handful I needed to get rid of in the first place! The great news is that I dropped some major FAT!! Bigtime results again -Yahoo! I can see a definite difference in all the right places!
AND, I'm ecstatic to say that I no longer feel gross or toxic! Thankfully, that was very temporary and most likely directly related to the toxic hospital environment. I feel healthy again!
As we continue to teach our Practice Members in our Wellness practice, it's no longer a question of "Do I need to cleanse?", but rather "How often do I need to cleanse?" Everyone needs to cleanse... unless you've lived an absolutely perfect life in the way you eat, move, think and what you've been exposed to in the environment!
For more information or to order your Isagenix 30 Day Cleansing and Fat Burning Program, go to Or, email me at with any questions or concerns you may have. I'm happy to help get you started.
Remember, check with me first if you're ready to order - I can make sure you get the right program AND the best price!
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