Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Declutter The Most Important Room in Your House... Your MIND!

In the last few months, I've spent a lot of time and energy "rebuilding" myself... recreating balance in my life following the death of my mom.

The most rewarding and fulfilling thing I've done for myself (and my family) is to nurture my mental, emotional and spititual health each and every morning. I've re-established my favorite rituals and 'disciplines' to help create the life that I want. It's an investment that comes with an extraordinary return!

I love this article from Dr. Mercola. It's exactly along the same lines of the type of "self-work" I've been doing lately. Check it out and apply what you can. Anything you can do to reduce your stress and shift your focus back to the most important priorties in your life, is well worth your time.

Be Well!

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