Friday, March 21, 2008

Wow, Mom! You're SO Cool!

A few days ago, my 5 year old daughter and I shared some "big girl" time as we went out for a long walk/jog/adventure together. She was thrilled to have me all to herself, and to finally be big enough to keep up with me during 'grown-up' exercise, as she calls it. She did great - 2 and 1/2 miles! Although, we did have to stop a few times to investigate deer tracks, walk in the mud and throw the stick for our dog!

We shared several precious moments during our adventure. One of my favorites was the conversation that caused her to see me in a whole new light... to reach a new level of understanding of each other. And it all had to do with nutrition... hard to imagine, I know!

It was such a beautiful, sunny day, that it made her think of ice cream. She said, "Wouldn't it be great to have ice cream on a day like today? I mean the organic, no hormone kind, of course." I quickly and enthusiastically added, "YEAH! The super chocolately kind with chocolate chunks and caramel... mmmmmm!!!" Her eyes got as big as saucers! I'm pretty sure she thought my body had been taken over by some intruder!

I said, "What? I love ice cream!!" She incredulously said, "You do?! No way!" I continued to explain that I most certainly do love ice cream. And cookies. And cake, muffins, Pringles, brownies, chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate! She was now certain I was possessed. She simply couldn't believe these words were coming out of her own mother's mouth!

Of course, I followed up with, "But just because I like how all those foods taste doesn't mean I'll eat them. That wouldn't be a very good choice for my body's health." She honestly couldn't even believe that I liked how they tasted!!! It was hilarious! A new-found respect for me was instantly born! "Wow, mom! You're SO cool! I had no idea that you actually like those junky foods!! And it's so awesome that, even though you like them, you can still say 'no thank you'! That's cool mom!"

Again, I reinforced that although I do 'like' them, the way they taste, I really dislike what they do to my body. We talked about making the healthiest choices possible, even when the taste of something makes you absolutely drool!

She commented that she thought it would be much easier for her to make healthier choices (when presented with sweets in school, at parties...), now that she knew somebody else who felt the same way about sweets as her... her super cool sweet-loving-but-healthy-choice-making MOM!

What a crack up!

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