Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Are "Organic" Foods and Whole Foods Market Rip-Offs?

A recent article in Dr. Mercola's newsletter got me thinking about organic foods and my favorite grocery store, Whole Foods Market. Here's the link to the article: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/04/17/the-whole-story-about-whole-foods-market.aspx

I've been questioned about the legitimacy of "organic" foods for years. In fact, it seems to be a subject that ruffles many people's feathers! I've often felt under attack because of my support of organic foods. Silly, isn't it?!

Anytime I speak of the benefits of organic foods, there's always a "yeah, but..." in the crowd. Strange.

I like to point out that I have nothing to gain, financially or otherwise, by encouraging my practice members, audiences, clients and friends to eat more nutritious and organic foods whenever possible. (Wish I would've bought stock in Whole Foods Market years ago! Ah, well... hind sight!)

As far as I see it, organic is healthier. Obviously, it has less toxicity and studies show it also has far greater nutrient density.

"How do you know if it's really organic or not? How can I trust those labels?" It's a calculated risk I take! One that I don't lose any sleep over, by the way! I'd rather risk that the broccoli I'm eating, thinking it's organic, maybe isn't organic afterall... rather than eat a bag of Cheeze Its and a Diet Pepsi, knowing full well there's not a shred of health in them! I'll take my chances with the possibly-not-100%-organic-broccoli!

My point is that I don't worry too much about all the politics involved with the organic food industry. Worse case scenario - the "organic" food has now become tainted with some of the toxins found in "conventional" food. I'll suffer through some contamination of my food vs. 100% contaminated!

Is organic healthier? Yes or yes? Of course it is! What on earth is all the whining about???

If some people just don't want to spend the money on it, or don't trust it, fine. Move on. But don't kid yourself that organic isn't any healthier. And why bother picking on the folks that choose organic? Why don't you picket a drive thru lane at the fast food joint!

Next point:

I've always said that no matter where you do your grocery shopping, you can't be an idiot! If you're buying food that comes in a package, then you still have to read the label!

For years, I've talked about doing much of our family's grocery shopping at Whole Foods Market. (enter all the "yeah-but" folks again!) I KNOW that Whole Foods isn't 100% organic. I KNOW that Whole Foods isn't 100% local. I KNOW that Whole Foods isn't 100% free of some of the toxins our governing agencies have approved for our consumption.

I've never, ever once said Whole Foods Market is perfect. I HAVE said many times that it's far better than any other option we have where I live.

Silly to argue that point.

By the way, Whole Foods sells a ton of "less toxic" junk food. It's still junk food. It doesn't create health, it just causes a little less toxicity.

I don't buy everything at Whole Foods anymore. I don't need to... conventional grocery stores are carrying more organic options, often at better prices than Whole Foods.

What I've always looked for is FRESH food, preferably locally grown. That's a little tough in Michigan for several months of the year, but worth the effort.

I understand there are a whole lotta' environmental issues involved when we start buying non-local food. I'm not touching that topic with a 10 foot stick! I'm talking about Nutrition. That's it.

The very best option is always organic AND locally grown. I'd recommend finding a food co-op where you live. Organic one, of course! 'Nuff said about that!

Point 3:

Do I ever purchase non-organic food? Of course! When shopping for my fresh produce, if there's no organic option, or the organic option is wilted or past its prime, or the organic option is insanely priced, then I'll purchase conventional and wash it with a hydrogen peroxide rinse.

When it comes to meat, eggs and dairy, I will NOT buy it unless it's organic (or the cleanest option offered in the marketplace). This, too, I've recommended for years. Just by the very nature of the 'tissue' of meat and eggs, toxins accumulate much more readily in them. It's called bioaccumulation. It's nasty. I gladly pay the price tag for cleaner meats and eggs without a second thought.

While you're at it, if you're already inclined to invest in organic meat and eggs, then you might as well go for it and also make sure your meats (beef and bison) are grass-fed and that your chickens/eggs are free range. Shoot for the stars!

Conventional dairy is just a chemical cocktail of epic proportions! Every single conventional grocery store in my very conservative area has affordable organic dairy options. No more excuses.

So, in order to eat the "cleanest", healthiest foods possible, we should all grow our own produce and raise our own livestock. Year round, I might add.

Until then, I'm OK with trusting the "organic" label for a while longer while I search for my organic farm to purchase!

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