Monday, April 28, 2008

Is Tyson Chicken Really Antibiotic-Free?

For quite awhile now, when I start talking about the importance of buying (or raising) organic, antibiotic and hormone-free meat - yes, that includes poultry - many people have proudly told me , "my chicken is organic, too... and I buy it at the regular grocery store... WAY less expensive than the health food store, too!" "Awesome!", I say. "I'm SO glad conventional stores are catching on and providing healthier and safer options for the masses."

I asked where to find this "cleaner" chicken in our local 'regular' store, so I could check it out... and hopefully stock up when it's on sale! My savvy shopper friends told me, "Oh, easy! It's right there with all the other packaged chicken from Tyson."

"Tyson?! Why would organic, antibiotic-free chicken be with Tyson chicken???" When I think of healthy options... Tyson doesn't come to mind! Just a personal issue, that's all! Based on what I've read about this enormous company, and others like it, I've not been impressed with their from-the-farm-to-the-table practices. Again, my issue, I'm sure!

Unfortunately, upon closer inspection, I found that these meats were not organic. The day I actually remembered to look for them in the store, they were out of stock. So I asked one of my devout label-reading friends to check it out more closely for me the next time she purchased some.

We discovered that the chicken was only "antibiotic-free". Funny how so many people had interpreted the label (or the advertising) to mean "organic". Ah well, I thought. At least they've cleaned it up a bit... it's better than nuthin'. Anytime we can reduce the amount of toxicity we add to our lives, the better. Eliminating the antibiotics was a step in the right direction.

I had mentally put that issue to rest for several months. Now, enter Dr. Mercola. Yet again, this police officer of the food industry has shed some light on the shady nature of Tyson's marketing approach.

Looks like Tyson's chicken isn't "antibiotic-free" after all. Just a little misleading in the marketing department! You can read about it in the link below.

Personally, I still think it's a better option than plain 'ol conventional chicken, loaded with every chemical concoction known to man. But I do think it's disturbing and downright nauseating how food companies are so willing to put a 'spin' on the truth in order to increase profits. I know it's completely naive of me, but I just wish they'd all tell us the truth!

Crazy, I know!

Here's the link to the Tyson chicken article.

Unfortunately, I'm absolutely certain that Tyson is not the only offending food company. I just found it interesting that this happened to be the one example (Tyson chicken) that I kept hearing about from so many people for so many months... guess their marketing works!

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