Monday, April 14, 2008

Mom's "ME Time"

As I sit here typing this post, I'm doing so with much gratitude in my heart. My morning has been calm, peaceful, focused, centered and fulfilling.

That's because my children aren't out of bed yet!!!

Seriously, I recognized many, many months ago, that early morning sleep was a small price to pay in exhange for my personal happiness, emotional balance and spiritual fulfillment.

Some mornings are more of a challenge getting out of bed than others, especially when everyone else is tucked in so comfy and warm, but the return on my investment is incomparable.

Right now, I feel incredibly balanced and complete. I'm perfectly relaxed, yet I have a giddy sense of deep happiness. No, I haven't turned to drugs!

I simply went through my 'list' of morning rituals. I did my affirmations and visualizing. I reviewed my dream board and miracle list. I prayed and asked God to oversee my day and all my wishes. I asked for help where I'm lacking clarity. I gave thanks for all that I have. Then I listened for a 'response'.

This morning I was blessed to have one of those "ah-ha" moments in my quiet time. I turned to my journal and quickly jotted down my new insight. Fabulous!

Now I can't wait for the kids to come downstairs so I can apply my new found wisdom on them!

I just wanted to share a snippet of my morning with you since it's such a vital component of my overall health and happiness. My early morning rituals are my life savers many days! I highly and wholeheartedly recommend that every mom find some "ME time" every single day. Time to think lofty thoughts, pray, listen and plant the mental, emotional and spiritual seeds that you want to see flourish into beautiful things!

(Of course, now my challenge is to maintain this "Zen-like" state when the two nut burgers come loudly racing down the stairs, making all sorts of crazy demands on their mommy! Ah yes, maintaining a state of grace in the midst of chaos is no easy task... but it's a worthy and rewarding challenge!)

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