Friday, June 22, 2007

A Very LONG 2 Weeks!

WOW! Summer vacation started off with a bang in our household!! We've spent the first 2 weeks of it re-introducing our school-age daughter to "our house, our rules"! Who would think a kid would need full-blown intervention to get over the toxic effects of Junior Kindergarten??!! It has taken 2 full weeks to remind her that FRUIT is a wonderful snack option... not all snacks need to come in packages like she was surrounded by at school each day.

She has also been quickly reminded that she needs to drink several glasses of water throughout the warm summer days. Apparently, this concept was not reinforced in her classroom - now I'm the 'mean' mom. I'm used to it! Especially when I have her drink a full glass of water everytime she asks for a snack!! (that's about every 10 minutes for this growing beanstalk of mine!) I have no fear of dehydration this summer!

The concept of eating greens and other veggies FIRST at each meal has made a reappearance, as well as 'no seconds of pasta or other starches until those veggies are gone!' Protein with each meal is SO much easier to monitor with her home as well.

The best (nutritional) part of having her under my roof for a few months again is NO MORE daily special occasions at school! Goodness gracious - those kids were having birthday cake, after-rest-time treats, holiday treats, imaginary friend treats, etc. a few times each week!!!! (And we wonder why kids are suffering from more sickness than at any other time in our history!! - Don't get me started!)

It has been working, though. My daughter has been asking for fruit for every snack and has been double-checking that each of her meals has protein., as opposed to excessive starches. So I DO know for a fact that it can happen. Kids CAN change their eating habits - if it's important enough for YOU, mom! If better nutritional choices ARE important to you, then I say, "Your house, Your rules!".

Of course, you know full well that I'll just get her back on the right, healthy track and it'll be time to go back to school!! Oi!

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