Saturday, March 29, 2008

Get Your FREE DRUGS Here!

I was just about to check my emails a few minutes ago. Usually, I don't even notice the banner ads along the top of the page... I purposely block them out because I can't stand being constantly inundated with marketing messages.

This time I noticed. The ad says:

"Try a prescription sleep aid to see why it's different from the rest. Click here for a FREE 7 day trial."

(pardon me... I just threw up!)

How can drugs just be given away on the internet? Especially prescription strength drugs... these are more "potent" (ie. dangerous).

Last I heard about several of these sleep drugs, they were causing all sorts of completely abnormal and scary side-effects in people... seriously strange stuff. If we're going to experiment with sleep aid drugs, shouldn't we at least do so under the supervision of a licensed doctor? (Not that that makes the drugs any safer...)

Better yet, why don't we just figure out why we're having troubles sleeping in the first place?!! Oh, that's too far-fetched, I know!

On the street, drug dealers know that if they can get us to try their drug JUST ONCE, we'll be hooked.

Apparently, drug pushing is absolutely legal on the world wide web! God help us all!

If I were a street drug pusher, I'd seriously consider getting into online marketing, just like the 'legal' drug pushers have. I'm sure they could reach more people and increase their revenue substantially.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Innate Nutritional Requirements and Food Allergies

The other night, I was watching a documentary about children with severe food allergies.

FIRST, I want to make it perfectly clear that I don't point the finger at any one parent or family... I fully trust that each family makes the best choices they can with the information they currently have at their disposal. I completely understand that if you knew your child could die within minutes of coming into contact with a certain food, you'd make whatever nutritional choices you were forced to make in the moment.

That being said, I sat there shaking my head in disbelief once again.

What this program demonstrated was that the nutritional decision making became heavily focused on the short term survival of these kids, rather than long term health and wellness.

I know full well that television edits the heck out of shows... but what I failed to see was any attempt to focus on BOTH short term survival AND lifetime health and wellness.

A large part of the program focused on how parents of these kids have to make an incredibly difficult decision about whether or not to even send their children with severe food allergies to school. Coming into contact with an offending allergen could be deadly. The parents have to basically inform every person dealing with their child, and sweeping changes must be made in order to insure the child's safety.

One clip showed parents in the school cafeteria with their children who have these severe allergies. It showed them walking down the line of available lunch options for the day. If the food had nuts (or been exposed to nuts) or had milk in it, the food was off-limits.

Point #1
Our innate nutritional requirements do not include peanuts or dairy anyway. Our hunter/gatherer ancestors did not consume these foods. Essentially, our genes haven't changed in 40,000 years... therefore, neither have our nutritional requirements. We still don't need these foods in order to be healthy. Perhaps that's why so many people have "allergies" to dairy and grains (gluten, wheat, etc.)... we're not genetically designed to require them in the first place. Peanuts, even the organic ones, are loaded with toxic molds and known carcinogens. No wonder so many bodies out there reject them so obviously.

OK, now this is where my head really started to shake...

When they showed what these kids finally ended up choosing in the cafeteria, with the direct assistance of their parents, the plates were filled with CRAP! At least on this program, they didn't show one, single child with any vegetables on their plate! The plates had spaghetti, french fries, pizza, potato 'tots', bread...

What on earth???

Point #2
Just because someone is labelled with a certain affliction, no matter how serious, we simply can't overlook the bigger picture. There are certain irrefutable requirements for health and wellness. We innately require Purity and Sufficiency in our nutritional choices. Toxicity and Deficiency moves us away from optimal health.

On this show, I saw "sick" children with plates full of processed foods that were toxic and deficient of nutritional value.

This is what burns my buttocks about all the labels placed on people. It seems like we end up focusing on the label at the expense of overall wellness. Can't see the forest for the trees...

At the very least, if a person's body is loudly expressing the rejection of certain foods, that individual needs to adhere to the common sense of wellness-based nutrition more than anyone - their body is already telling them it's in crisis. Ideally, we should ALL be eating this way... but that's not how our society seems to work, unfortunately.

I can't tell you how many individuals (or their parents) I've counselled that have a challenge with this. I see 'gluten-sensitive' kids munching down M&M's, Pez candies, candy canes, ice cream and cake because "it's gluten-free". I've heard more than enough folks tell me they can't eat vegetables because their doctor told them they have a digestive disorder. They'll eat a loaf of bread a day, cookies, chips, fast food and drink gallons of milk... but no veggies., "'cuz it's bad for their digestive system".

I could give you many more examples, but I'd start to cry... out of sadness AND sheer frustration!

We absolutely must remember to give the body what it needs in order to create health. Without these essentials, the body can't possibly ever fully heal and function at its optimal levels. Then you're stuck taking drugs that alter your function - but DON'T produce health.

... oh, but wait. That's a whole lot more profitable than teaching people how to make healthy choices for life, isn't it? Don't get me started!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Grain-Fed Vs. Grass-Fed

Yesterday, we took the kids on a field trip as we continue to celebrate our ‘staying-at-home-this-year' spring break. We made the trek over to Ann Arbor, Michigan for the day to visit the Children’s Hands-On Museum. What a blast! The kids loved it!

After the museum, we stopped by a great little local brew pub for a bite to eat. It was a great spot – plenty of healthier options on the menu, as well as some excellent micro-brews for my husband and dad to sample!

I was thrilled to see that I had the choice of broccoli, asparagus or green beans for the kids’ side dishes, as well as the usual baby carrots. I’m a happy mom when I can get some quality greens into those little bodies at a restaurant!

The menu also did a great job of highlighting the “clean” meats they use in all their dishes: the chicken was promoted as being free-range, from a local Amish farm, raised without any antibiotics, hormones, steroids, etc. Nice! The beef was also from a local farm, from cattle raised without the usual chemical cocktail.

The one thing that caught my eye about the beef description (because it stuck out like a sore thumb!), was that they proudly announced that it was exclusively grain-fed. I thought, “Now why would you go to such lengths describing how ‘clean’ the meat is, then end up feeding it grains?” Cows need grass. That’s what they naturally eat. Not grains.

Cows only eat grains when farmers provide grains as their only source of food. It’s unnatural.

Grass-fed beef is far superior to grain-fed for many reasons. Think about why farmers started feeding cows grains in the first place… it was to fatten them up. Any guesses what happens to the people who eat the grain-fed beef? Grass-fed beef is leaner. Grass-fed beef is also high in omega-3 fatty acids. Grain-fed is absolutely not.

Anyhow, the choice is clear. It just seemed like such an odd contradiction on the menu. Unbeknownst to me, our daughter was listening intently as the grown-ups were discussing this inconsistency on the menu.

Later in the evening, she wanted to play “restaurant”. As she came to our table to present the ‘featured selections of the day’, she pointed out that one of our options was “cow’s meat tacos”! I asked her if it was ‘clean’ meat and she proudly declared, “Oh, yes! We take the meat and rinse it off in pure water, then lay it out in the sun to get it all heated up and burn off the toxins!” Hilarious!

Then she was quick to add, “Oh, and before they became meat, the cows ate what they were supposed to. They didn’t eat any grains at all. They ate only grass and all green vegetables. They’re really healthy cows – you’ll like them a lot!”

Funny, funny kid! I’m not sure if she was selling me a taco or a new pet!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Interesting Quote

"If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health."

~ Hippocrates
(460 B.C. - 370 B.C.)

... so what's taking us so long to follow "The Father of Medicine's" advice?!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Television and Movie Rules of the House

Today marks the first day of the first full week of my daughter's spring break. This is the first year we're not travelling during the break... we're home bound! That meant we had to sit down as a family and create a new set of house "agreements" to circumvent any potential 'boredom-related' troubles before they even got started. At least that's the plan!

One particular bud I wanted to nip before it even began to bloom was the notion of watching television and movies. Although, having two children wrapped up in the drama and intrigue of a great show would certainly allow me to 'accomplish' more, I also recognize the inherent dangers of getting into this pattern.

Once in awhile, if it's educational, or thought-provoking, or gets them up and moving, I don't too much mind. But there was no way I was going to let this happen with any regularity for the next 2 weeks. Nuh-uh. Our family plan is to read tons, create, color and draw, cook yummy things, go outside and play, explore, ride bikes, dance, take a few family field trips and interact with each other. No time for one-way communication from the boob tube.

I've added a link to a recent article about this subject from Dr. Mercola. The initial article discusses the negative consequences of having a television in a child's bedroom. Not an issue here. We're a one television family, and most times I think it's one television too many!

Dr. Mercola goes on to comment on television, movies and computers as they all relate to childhood development. It's a great article and certainly makes you re-think allowing the casual use of any of these modalities with our kids. The reader comments are interesting, as usual.

Here's the link:

In our home, we have a few Leap Frog educational videos, some Spanish and French videos as well as yoga and dance for kids... these are the ones I'll usually approve of in my "I-can't-do-everything-I-need-to-do" mothering moments! I also let them watch Sound of Music, Mary Poppins and School House Rock (OK, that one's mostly for me!).

The kids know they can't just sit there like blobs during movie time. They get up and dance during every song, or they get up and move every 5 or so minutes if there aren't any songs. Sedentary living begins in childhood.

I can't stand "kids' shows", primarily because of all the subconscious programming of my children that the commercials attempt. If anyone's gonna' program my kids, it's going to be ME!

In my opinion, kids' shows require direct supervision from a caring, knowledegable adult. But hey - if that adult has time to sit down and watch a kid show, maybe they'd have time to read with, play with or converse with the child instead! Just a thought.

Oh relax... I'm not pointing the finger at anyone! I know how challenging it can be to set aside everything that needs to get done to pay 100% attention to your children. I also know how easy it is to turn on the tube and to 'entertain' them. We all just need to be aware of the consequences, that's all.

The Spring Break Agreements in our home regarding television and movies go something like this: not everyday; only one movie per day; read 5 books first; take your fish oil; eat healthy snacks and drink water during the movie. Oh, and be nice to your mommy and each other during the movie or it gets shut off immediately.

Now go unplug your television, read a book or run around outside!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Wow, Mom! You're SO Cool!

A few days ago, my 5 year old daughter and I shared some "big girl" time as we went out for a long walk/jog/adventure together. She was thrilled to have me all to herself, and to finally be big enough to keep up with me during 'grown-up' exercise, as she calls it. She did great - 2 and 1/2 miles! Although, we did have to stop a few times to investigate deer tracks, walk in the mud and throw the stick for our dog!

We shared several precious moments during our adventure. One of my favorites was the conversation that caused her to see me in a whole new light... to reach a new level of understanding of each other. And it all had to do with nutrition... hard to imagine, I know!

It was such a beautiful, sunny day, that it made her think of ice cream. She said, "Wouldn't it be great to have ice cream on a day like today? I mean the organic, no hormone kind, of course." I quickly and enthusiastically added, "YEAH! The super chocolately kind with chocolate chunks and caramel... mmmmmm!!!" Her eyes got as big as saucers! I'm pretty sure she thought my body had been taken over by some intruder!

I said, "What? I love ice cream!!" She incredulously said, "You do?! No way!" I continued to explain that I most certainly do love ice cream. And cookies. And cake, muffins, Pringles, brownies, chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate! She was now certain I was possessed. She simply couldn't believe these words were coming out of her own mother's mouth!

Of course, I followed up with, "But just because I like how all those foods taste doesn't mean I'll eat them. That wouldn't be a very good choice for my body's health." She honestly couldn't even believe that I liked how they tasted!!! It was hilarious! A new-found respect for me was instantly born! "Wow, mom! You're SO cool! I had no idea that you actually like those junky foods!! And it's so awesome that, even though you like them, you can still say 'no thank you'! That's cool mom!"

Again, I reinforced that although I do 'like' them, the way they taste, I really dislike what they do to my body. We talked about making the healthiest choices possible, even when the taste of something makes you absolutely drool!

She commented that she thought it would be much easier for her to make healthier choices (when presented with sweets in school, at parties...), now that she knew somebody else who felt the same way about sweets as her... her super cool sweet-loving-but-healthy-choice-making MOM!

What a crack up!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"Organic" Doesn't Always Mean "Healthy"

This is just something I've been thinking about since my last grocery shopping adventure with my 2 year old. I'm already finding myself answering his food and nutrition questions - interrogation, is more like it - as he tries to negotiate for the foods he sees on the shelves!

I remember having the same conversation with my daughter a few times in the last couple of years, as well as countless practice members.

The conversation begins when I hear, "but it's organic, so it's OK to have it... ", or "it's organic, so it must be good for me!"

Keeping this real simple, sure... if it's organic, it's automatically less toxic to your body. BUT, just because it's organic doesn't necessarily mean that it will create health for you!

Imagine a dynamic "scale" of Health. On one end is Optimal Health. The other end is chronic illness and Death. The direction we're moving on this scale in any given day depends on the choices we make (how we eat, move, think, rest).

Pure and sufficient choices move us toward Optimal Health. Toxic and deficient ones move us toward illness and death.

I guaranatee you that if you munch down a box of organic 'oreos' or a bag of organic cheese curls, they won't do a thing to move you toward Optimal Health! I don't care how organic they are! They fit into the classification of Deficient (lacking the nutrition we innately require to create Optimal Health). Therefore, these processed, nutrient -lacking foods move you the opposite direction on the scale.

Now, if you had the choice between the organic 'oreos' and the conventional ones.... organic wins, hands down! They'll move you the wrong way on the scale, but not as much and not as quickly. I'm OK with making that choice once in awhile!

The same basic Wellness principles apply to all food choices, organic or not. REAL, God-grown food is always the healthiest choice.

Hey, I live in the real world too! I know that's not always possible and certainly not always convenient. Just know that if you choose more foods that don't even come with a label (eg. fresh produce), then you're most likely moving the right direction on the Scale of Health.

OK, gotta' go get some organic 'oreos'!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The "Deadly" Flu... or the Deadly Flu Drugs?

I'm sure that many of you already subscribe to Dr. Mercola's superb newsletter. If not, here's another excellent example of why you really should consider it... it keeps you "in the loop" with current health research, reports and events. AND it gives you the 'other' side of the story - not just the side that media presents.

Here's the link to start receiving these free newsletters:

The story I wanted to make sure you knew about today is that of a young girl, with signs of the flu, dying shortly after being given Tylenol and sent to bed.

Please read all the way down to Dr. Mercola's comments. He makes a critically important point - how predictable it has become for events like this to serve as the catalyst for drug companies and federal agencies to push mass vaccines and drug use on us.

They take advantage of our vulnerablilty and fear resulting from a story like this one.

No one stops to ask WHY or what other factors contributed to this girl's death. Maybe a flu vaccine would have prevented this. Maybe not. I know what I believe. None of it matters to her family, by the way. None of it.

But don't push toxic chemicals on MY family because on this.

Most of us will not develop the flu in any given year. Those of us that DO develop the flu will NOT do so because we have a shortage of flu vaccine chemicals in our bodies. Many that choose to be vaccinated will still develop the flu.

Once again, I'm confused. Disappointed. Saddened. Disturbed. Ticked off.

Will we ever see an end to the lies and greed-driven "system" that runs our healthcare??? I feel sorry for our children. Imagine what it's going to be like for them.

Click here to read the article:

By the way, remember, if you're healthy, you CAN'T "catch" the flu. The notion itself is ridiculous. It removes the burden of responsibility from many people.

To get healthy, you've got to consistently Move Well, Eat Well, Think Well and Rest Well. If you don't, you're susceptible to the flu and a whole lot more.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Aspartame - What's It Going To Take?!

Whether I'm speaking to a large group, having a one-on-one nutritional consultation or having dinner with friends and family who drink diet pop, the issue of Aspartame always comes up.

Not always initiated by ME, either... wise guys!

What boggles my mind is the overwhelmingly large number of people who roll their eyes and essentially put their hand up to my face, signalling that they dismiss the entire notion that aspartame, nutrasweet, splenda and all the other artificial sweeteners could possibly be that bad.

"Yeah, yeah. I've heard it all before," they say.

Okaaaayyy... so why on earth are you still voluntarily, knowingly consuming a proven neurotoxin? Just like to live on the edge?

I really don't get it at all. I absolutely do not lecture anyone on this subject - I present the facts in a non-judgmental way, then let it go. (OK, I also say a little prayer for the unfortunate soul first before completely letting it go!)

I fail to understand the resistance and hostility regarding this subject. Maybe aspartame causes that, too!

I think if I told some of these same folks that research shows that spinach isn't good for them, they'd give it up yesterday and never turn back!!!

What do they think... that these reports are all fabricated? That the poor, innocent 'food' industry and its ginormous marketing partners would never, ever lead them astray??? C'mon!

Anyhow, here's another great link from Dr. Mercola on the subject. Quite an experiment! Check out the photo.

If you haven't yet signed up for Dr. Mercola's free e-newsletter, you're missing out on an incredible resource for your family's health. You can quickly, easily sign up here:

PUT DOWN your diet pop and have some water!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Why Would I Take A Drug When I'm "Sick"?

First, let me start off by admitting that I should probably live on another planet!

With the exception of my husband, I just might be the only person on this planet who thinks the way I do when it comes to drugs.

Very recently, I experienced what I assume was a sinus infection. It's an assumption based on common sense and logic... I had loads of goop exiting my nose; the color was indicative of an infection passing through my body; I felt crappy; my forehead and behind my eyes hurt for days; and I had a ton of lovely drainage. I didn't find it necessary to have this condition of my body officially labelled in a clinical setting.

I think the human body is absolutely amazing.

I became the observer of my own body. I back-tracked to see where I had lacked purity & sufficiency, or gone overboard with toxicity & deficiency, in the weeks leading up to this self-cleansing of my body. Yup, I had strayed from my healthy routine WAY more than normal in the two weeks prior to the green monster moving into my sinus cavities! (major lack of sleep, a few too many restaurant meals, a box of truffles... I enjoyed it all, but my body paid the price!)

Now it was time for my body to rid itself of some of the toxic fall out!

A few days into this adventure I thought, "What would most people do at this point?" They would have gone to their doctor by now, right? I pondered what that would be like. I'd be given a drug. For what? Probably for infection? OK, but drugs can only affect a bacterial infection. How would they know if it was bacterial or not? They'd have to do a culture. If not, in my mind, it's malpractice. How could you prescribe something without first knowing what you're dealing with?

See... that type of thinking automatically puts me on another planet!

Back to the doctor's visit. So, I'd either be given a drug 'incorrectly', or I'd wait for the results of the culture. By that time, my body would be working through this process quite effectively, presuming I'm taking good care of it. Plus, even if a culture proved it was bacterial, in MY mind, that in no way means I'm going to automatically take antibiotics. I'll stick with natural infection fighters that have no side effects, like antibiotic resistance, thankyouverymuch!

Maybe the drug of choice would have been some type of steroid to help with inflammation of the sinus cavities. Is it just me, or have we EVER heard positive consequences as a result of adding synthetic steroids to the human body???

You can see that the very thought of going to an allopathic doctor for a normal, natural healing 'crisis' in my body is far too mentally exhausting for me to even consider it!

Is there a time and place when I'd visit my local allopathic friend? Sure. Can't think of it right now, but I'm sure I would, if I had felt I had exhausted all my holistic options. Oh, and in the case of trauma and emergency - Absolutely.

To improve my health? No way.

I've heard the thought repeated many times in many ways, by some of the most famous minds within the field of medicine itself, that "the medicine is worse than the malady". If you give a group of perfectly healthy individuals some drugs... what happens? They become sick. Duh.

So why would I take a drug if I'm already feeling 'sick'? Makes no sense to me at all.

I'd rather go through the process - uncomfortable and inconvenient as it may be - trusting my body's own innate, God-given, healing potential than to add more toxins to my over-worked physiology. My poor body would have to deal with the chemical cocktail of the drug before it could even get back to the business of healing.

I'm not really sure why I think the way I do. As a child and teenager, my family went to the family doc a lot. I took drugs for the same symptoms most people do today. I remember 'not feeling like me' while I was taking the prescription. In many cases, I remember feeling considerably worse once I started the drug. Those childhood memories haven't left my brain.

I'd rather feel like ME, even when I feel less than ideal. At least I trust my body. I absolutely do not trust pharmaceuticals in any way, shape or form. Not at all. Sorry. As soon as the safety and efficacy of any drug is proven, I'd consider it... but only if it doesn't interfere with the normal function of my body. I guess that's pretty much contradictory... it can't BE a drug unless it changes physiology.

I guess I'll just take my common sense, holistic thinking and pack my bags... this planet has lost the ability to function without pharmaceuticals!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

I've Created A Little (Health) Monster!

I had one of those funny parenting moments last night...

Our 5 year old daughter had a wonderful little friend over for a play date after school yesterday. We decided to take the kids to our favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner. Once again, due to the shortage of fresh vegetation on the menu, this meant we needed to load up with fresh veggies before going. It's our usual ritual... the kids are used to it! Even our polite little house guest wasn't phased by this - probably because they were all "starving"!

Once we were seated at the restaurant, the kids got right to their business of coloring and creating great works of art. I ordered each of them water. This is when it got funny...

When the server delivered the water to the kids, I heard our guest ask our daughter, "Why can't we have lemonade?" My first instinct was to rattle off my usual health lecture, then I decided to let it pass. BUT, I didn't have to deliver my health seminar anyway... our daughter stepped up to the plate without any hesitation!

She turned to her friend and bluntly stated, "We can't have lemonade here because it's loaded with high fructose corn syrup. It's horrible and toxic. It'll kill your brain cells." I may have ruptured something, trying to contain my laughter and keep a straight face. My daughter non-chalantly resumed her coloring.

Almost as if she could sense her friend was still staring at her (trying to figure out what on earth my daughter had just said!), my daughter turned to her and matter-of-factly continued the explanation. "When you go to a restaurant, you need to ask if their lemonade is fresh-squeezed or if it's from the same tap as pop. If it's from the tap... it's junk. Can't have it. It has high fructose corn syrup in it and it's toxic. It'll even make you fat. Just drink your water. Your body needs water anyway." Back to coloring.

By this point, I had the napkin up in my face, trying to hide the fact that I was laughing so hard... silently, of course!

... did I mention she's FIVE??!! Holy cow... what am I in for?!

I guess she has heard this lecture so many times from me that it's second nature for her now! I just didn't know that she had it memorized so well! Granted, it's not exactly how I normally explain it... but close enough to get the point across!

High fructose corn syrup is definitely an ingredient to avoid. It comes with a LONG list of toxic sicknesses and conditions it contributes to in the body. It works directly against our efforts to achieve health. And, yes, my daughter was right about the "it'll even make you fat" comment... high fructose corn syrup is metabolized (broken down in the body) significantly faster than sugar... which means it turns to fat MUCH faster and much more than sugar.

It's bad news all around. Unfortunately, it's in most every conventional processed, packaged, convenience, snack and junk food you see. It's in almost every pop (the biggest offender), the majority of conventional sports drinks, juices, crackers, chips, 'health' bars, condiments and sauces, even bread... the list is dramatically long.

The easiest way to avoid it is to make the majority of your food choices come in the non-packaged variety... fresh food. When you can't do that, definitely read the label. This is one of the reasons I like shopping at Whole Foods Market - they read the labels for me, and won't put it on their shelves if it's overly toxic. Peace of mind.

Once again, a fabulous resource for detailed information on high fructose corn syrup, and what else it can legally be called on labels, is Dr. Mercola's site. Here's the link to sign up for his free e-newsletter:

By the way, my daughter is available for speaking engagements!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Declutter The Most Important Room in Your House... Your MIND!

In the last few months, I've spent a lot of time and energy "rebuilding" myself... recreating balance in my life following the death of my mom.

The most rewarding and fulfilling thing I've done for myself (and my family) is to nurture my mental, emotional and spititual health each and every morning. I've re-established my favorite rituals and 'disciplines' to help create the life that I want. It's an investment that comes with an extraordinary return!

I love this article from Dr. Mercola. It's exactly along the same lines of the type of "self-work" I've been doing lately. Check it out and apply what you can. Anything you can do to reduce your stress and shift your focus back to the most important priorties in your life, is well worth your time.

Be Well!

Monday, March 10, 2008

The Ultimate Salad

This is a recipe given to us by Dr. James Chestnut, lead instructor for the international Wellness certification course for Health professionals... the man knows his nutrition!

I love this recipe, and variations of it, because it's a super easy way to 'sneak' tons of nutrient-dense veggies into your diet, without necessarily tasting some of the more potent ones! You know that part of the produce section that you normally just pass by, kinda' unfamiliar with what most of those leafy things are? Well now you can slow your cart down, pick up a few, whip 'em into a salad and reap massive health benefits!

Dr. Chestnut's Big Organic Salad

Use good things like swiss chard, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, carrot, celery, beets, parsley, some ginger and some onion and garlic.

Chop the veggies into pieces about as big as you finger nail. Use a food processor, food chopper or my favorite appliance, the VitaMix.

Put the whole green leafy vegetable in stems and all.

Store the entire mixture in a large glass bowl in the fridge.

Now make a giant salad. Start with organic greens, then add whatever veggies, legumes, nuts and seeds you like - I like to add some combination of edamame beans, green peas, chick peas, cucumber, peppers, tomatoes, onions, broccoli, carrots, steamed asparagus, peppers, tomatoes, almond slices, walnuts, sesame seeds, etc.

No - I don't put all these in one single salad! Just giving you ideas!

Then I top this with a large portion of the vegetable mix. Adding sprouts gives it a little extra boost of healthy protein. Top with Dr. Chestnut's recommended salad/vegetable dressing, or invest in high quality organic versions at your local store.

Dr. Chestnut's Salad/Vegetable Dressing:

1 tsp organic omega balance oil or organic flax oil
1 tsp organic extra virgin cold pressed olive oil
Organic lemon or organic (nitrate free) apple cider vinegar to taste
Organic seasoning to taste

Give it a try! You'll be surprised how many highly beneficial and nutritious veggies you can sneak past your conditioned nose and taste buds! BUT, you actually have to TRY to like it... it's SO good for you... just imagine all the glorious health-promoting, anti-aging and disease-fighting benefits it's providing you as you munch away!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

FABULOUS and FUN New Ab Workout... You've Got To See It!

Oh, this looks like a barrel of laughs! Maybe that's why it's such a great ab workout!

Click the following link to have a laugh and work your abs... before you pass it up, remember that laughter is great for your soul!


Friday, March 7, 2008

Getting The RIGHT Cell Phone Headset

I never used to worry about having a headset for my cell phone because I just didn't use my cell phone enough, or carry it with me enough, to really worry about it.

I find that I use it quite a bit more now, and the thought of all that strange and scary radiation that cell phones emit is on my mind quite a bit. I never carry it "on" my body for that very reason. I don't think we know everything about the dangers, but we know enough for me to avoid keeping that little thing too close to me!

I've never really understood the benefit of something like a Blue Tooth - other than the hands-free safety and convenience any headset like that provides - but as far as the radiation is concerned, I just didn't get it. Wouldn't a headset just put that radiation a little 'deeper' into my brain than just holding a cell phone up to my ear?!

Sometimes my brain probably oversimplifies things a tad too much, I'm sure! Either way, I still didn't like the uncertainty that came along with using any 'ol headset.

That's why I love this headset that Dr. Mercola carries on his website. It's called "Blue Tube Headset" It makes sense. I don't feel like I'd be giving my brain a heaping dose of cancer-causing radiation when wearing one of these!

Here's the link to read more about it and order your own, if you like:

If you do order one, let me know how you like it!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What Are The Best Type Of Eggs To Buy?

First of all, eggs are extremely beneficial for our health. Media has really done a number on this poor food! The issue should no longer be whether we should eat eggs or not. The confusion stems from the questions of what type of eggs are the best and what are the favorable methods of preparation.

I think one of the most interesting recent marketing tactics - leading to even more confusion - has been surrounding the issue of Omega-3 eggs. It sounds like they'd be a good thing, right? I mean, Omega-3 essential fatty acid supplementation is supposed to be so critically important for our health! ... right?

Dr. Mercola has a great article that nicely summarizes and clarifies the entire egg issue. He addresses the type of egg that's the best, how to cook them properly and what to watch out for. You can read his article by clicking on the link below:

Dr. Mercola's website and free e-newsletters are an excellent resource for every family to have at their disposal. We refer to his articles almost daily, both in our practice and at home. It's a wealth of information presented in an unbiased way - how refreshing!

To subscribe to his free newsletters, click on the link on the right side of this web page.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Party Preparations

Over the weekend, my husband planned a birthday party for me at our local Mexican restaurant. I love this place!

The challenge is, I can't exactly say that it creates more health in my body when I eat there! Knowing that health is created when you add pure and sufficient foods, and minimize the amount of toxic and deficient foods... yeah, can't say I was on the winning end of that equation in this fine establishment!

You know what? I love going there anyway!

Health is a balance of great nutrition, regular motion, sufficient rest, and healthy, happy MINDSET! Places like our favorite Mexican restaurant are worth their weight in gold for the mental, emotional and social balance they provide in my life! (I just know better than to eat there with any regularity anymore!)

Several folks who knew we were having my birthday party there commented, "I can't believe YOU would choose that restaurant... what could possibly be on the menu that you would EAT???" Cracks me up! So what if I don't exactly vary too much in my choices?! I don't order meat from many restaurants at all - I've got to see it and know more about it's life before I can ingest it!!! What's so strange about that?!

I keep it pretty simple when I go there. Usually, it's a cheese quesadilla or a veggie taco salad. Sometimes, I throw caution to the wind and order the Botana (I refuse to ask for a calorie count on this dish because I'm WAY too busy enjoying the heaping pile of avocados it comes with!).

Whatever I order, I'm absolutely certain that it will NOT cover my innate nutritional requirements for the day... nor the kids'. So what did I do to balance that out on Saturday? About an hour before we went, I fed the kids a hard-boiled egg and a plate loaded with veggies. I'm pretty sure I may have uttered once or twice, "Fill up with Health first, remember?!" I made myself a spinach salad with broccoli, edamame beans, egg and almond slices.

I made sure that I had my protein and my dark green veggies... the 2 things I knew I wouldn't see on my plate at the party. Let me clarify - I did NOT eat ahead of time to curb my appetite so that I wouldn't eat at the party. Not me! Nuh-uh... I don't "diet". No, I ate ahead of time to make sure I could enjoy whatever I felt like at the party!

Then guess what I did?

I went to the party, ate chips with salsa and guacamole and had a few margaritas... ALL guilt-free!!! My body was very forgiving since I had taken very good care of it earlier in the day. My head, heart and spirit were exceptionally happy since I took the time to relax and enjoy friends and family and keep my life in balance!

Life is very good!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Too Much of a Good Thing!

The other night, we had another Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning seminar in our practice. Afterwards, we hung around to answer individual questions and help people get started on the best program to achieve the results they wanted.

One young lady, a long-time practice member of ours, pulled me aside to ask for help. Let me start off by saying that this particular individual is fantasitc! She has made incredible health/nutritional changes to benefit herself and her family. She's absolutely no dummy when it comes to health and nutrition. She totally "gets it"!

She informed me that she is in the middle of her 30 day cleanse, yet hasn't noticed any changes at this point. I found this unusual and surprising because the Isagenix cleanses have been about as predictable as you can get. Every single person we've coached through the program has had great results - without exception.

I asked her a gazillion questions, trying to determine what was happening in her body. She is doing the "right" type of exercise to achieve fat loss (high intensity exercise). She's hardly eating any grains. She eats "real" food and minimal artificial factory food. She feels like she's handling stress effectively.... she is doing MANY "right" things.

What it finally came down to, we think, is that she may be eating too much of a good thing. By the way, I'm writing on this topic because I went through a very similar 'light bulb moment' myself in the last half of my most recent 30 day cleanse.

In my case, I finally realized that, although they are incredibly good for me, I can't eat 12 million almonds in a day and expect to shed excess pounds! Yes, the fat that nuts provide is healthy, BUT it IS fat nontheless!

My friend from the practice realized the other night that she was doing the same thing with nuts... and avocado! Absolutely... avocado is loaded with healthy fat. It's also incredibly calorie-dense. Feta cheese was on her list of vices as well! Although it's one of the 'better' cheeses for our health, too much will definitely hamper the best weight loss efforts!

I guess the old motto of "all good things in moderation" would apply here. Almonds, avocado, yogurt... all beneficial... BUT, all potentially inch-adding if we're not careful!

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