Sunday, March 2, 2008

Too Much of a Good Thing!

The other night, we had another Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning seminar in our practice. Afterwards, we hung around to answer individual questions and help people get started on the best program to achieve the results they wanted.

One young lady, a long-time practice member of ours, pulled me aside to ask for help. Let me start off by saying that this particular individual is fantasitc! She has made incredible health/nutritional changes to benefit herself and her family. She's absolutely no dummy when it comes to health and nutrition. She totally "gets it"!

She informed me that she is in the middle of her 30 day cleanse, yet hasn't noticed any changes at this point. I found this unusual and surprising because the Isagenix cleanses have been about as predictable as you can get. Every single person we've coached through the program has had great results - without exception.

I asked her a gazillion questions, trying to determine what was happening in her body. She is doing the "right" type of exercise to achieve fat loss (high intensity exercise). She's hardly eating any grains. She eats "real" food and minimal artificial factory food. She feels like she's handling stress effectively.... she is doing MANY "right" things.

What it finally came down to, we think, is that she may be eating too much of a good thing. By the way, I'm writing on this topic because I went through a very similar 'light bulb moment' myself in the last half of my most recent 30 day cleanse.

In my case, I finally realized that, although they are incredibly good for me, I can't eat 12 million almonds in a day and expect to shed excess pounds! Yes, the fat that nuts provide is healthy, BUT it IS fat nontheless!

My friend from the practice realized the other night that she was doing the same thing with nuts... and avocado! Absolutely... avocado is loaded with healthy fat. It's also incredibly calorie-dense. Feta cheese was on her list of vices as well! Although it's one of the 'better' cheeses for our health, too much will definitely hamper the best weight loss efforts!

I guess the old motto of "all good things in moderation" would apply here. Almonds, avocado, yogurt... all beneficial... BUT, all potentially inch-adding if we're not careful!

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