Monday, March 24, 2008

Television and Movie Rules of the House

Today marks the first day of the first full week of my daughter's spring break. This is the first year we're not travelling during the break... we're home bound! That meant we had to sit down as a family and create a new set of house "agreements" to circumvent any potential 'boredom-related' troubles before they even got started. At least that's the plan!

One particular bud I wanted to nip before it even began to bloom was the notion of watching television and movies. Although, having two children wrapped up in the drama and intrigue of a great show would certainly allow me to 'accomplish' more, I also recognize the inherent dangers of getting into this pattern.

Once in awhile, if it's educational, or thought-provoking, or gets them up and moving, I don't too much mind. But there was no way I was going to let this happen with any regularity for the next 2 weeks. Nuh-uh. Our family plan is to read tons, create, color and draw, cook yummy things, go outside and play, explore, ride bikes, dance, take a few family field trips and interact with each other. No time for one-way communication from the boob tube.

I've added a link to a recent article about this subject from Dr. Mercola. The initial article discusses the negative consequences of having a television in a child's bedroom. Not an issue here. We're a one television family, and most times I think it's one television too many!

Dr. Mercola goes on to comment on television, movies and computers as they all relate to childhood development. It's a great article and certainly makes you re-think allowing the casual use of any of these modalities with our kids. The reader comments are interesting, as usual.

Here's the link:

In our home, we have a few Leap Frog educational videos, some Spanish and French videos as well as yoga and dance for kids... these are the ones I'll usually approve of in my "I-can't-do-everything-I-need-to-do" mothering moments! I also let them watch Sound of Music, Mary Poppins and School House Rock (OK, that one's mostly for me!).

The kids know they can't just sit there like blobs during movie time. They get up and dance during every song, or they get up and move every 5 or so minutes if there aren't any songs. Sedentary living begins in childhood.

I can't stand "kids' shows", primarily because of all the subconscious programming of my children that the commercials attempt. If anyone's gonna' program my kids, it's going to be ME!

In my opinion, kids' shows require direct supervision from a caring, knowledegable adult. But hey - if that adult has time to sit down and watch a kid show, maybe they'd have time to read with, play with or converse with the child instead! Just a thought.

Oh relax... I'm not pointing the finger at anyone! I know how challenging it can be to set aside everything that needs to get done to pay 100% attention to your children. I also know how easy it is to turn on the tube and to 'entertain' them. We all just need to be aware of the consequences, that's all.

The Spring Break Agreements in our home regarding television and movies go something like this: not everyday; only one movie per day; read 5 books first; take your fish oil; eat healthy snacks and drink water during the movie. Oh, and be nice to your mommy and each other during the movie or it gets shut off immediately.

Now go unplug your television, read a book or run around outside!

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