Monday, March 17, 2008

Aspartame - What's It Going To Take?!

Whether I'm speaking to a large group, having a one-on-one nutritional consultation or having dinner with friends and family who drink diet pop, the issue of Aspartame always comes up.

Not always initiated by ME, either... wise guys!

What boggles my mind is the overwhelmingly large number of people who roll their eyes and essentially put their hand up to my face, signalling that they dismiss the entire notion that aspartame, nutrasweet, splenda and all the other artificial sweeteners could possibly be that bad.

"Yeah, yeah. I've heard it all before," they say.

Okaaaayyy... so why on earth are you still voluntarily, knowingly consuming a proven neurotoxin? Just like to live on the edge?

I really don't get it at all. I absolutely do not lecture anyone on this subject - I present the facts in a non-judgmental way, then let it go. (OK, I also say a little prayer for the unfortunate soul first before completely letting it go!)

I fail to understand the resistance and hostility regarding this subject. Maybe aspartame causes that, too!

I think if I told some of these same folks that research shows that spinach isn't good for them, they'd give it up yesterday and never turn back!!!

What do they think... that these reports are all fabricated? That the poor, innocent 'food' industry and its ginormous marketing partners would never, ever lead them astray??? C'mon!

Anyhow, here's another great link from Dr. Mercola on the subject. Quite an experiment! Check out the photo.

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PUT DOWN your diet pop and have some water!!!

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