Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The "Deadly" Flu... or the Deadly Flu Drugs?

I'm sure that many of you already subscribe to Dr. Mercola's superb newsletter. If not, here's another excellent example of why you really should consider it... it keeps you "in the loop" with current health research, reports and events. AND it gives you the 'other' side of the story - not just the side that media presents.

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The story I wanted to make sure you knew about today is that of a young girl, with signs of the flu, dying shortly after being given Tylenol and sent to bed.

Please read all the way down to Dr. Mercola's comments. He makes a critically important point - how predictable it has become for events like this to serve as the catalyst for drug companies and federal agencies to push mass vaccines and drug use on us.

They take advantage of our vulnerablilty and fear resulting from a story like this one.

No one stops to ask WHY or what other factors contributed to this girl's death. Maybe a flu vaccine would have prevented this. Maybe not. I know what I believe. None of it matters to her family, by the way. None of it.

But don't push toxic chemicals on MY family because on this.

Most of us will not develop the flu in any given year. Those of us that DO develop the flu will NOT do so because we have a shortage of flu vaccine chemicals in our bodies. Many that choose to be vaccinated will still develop the flu.

Once again, I'm confused. Disappointed. Saddened. Disturbed. Ticked off.

Will we ever see an end to the lies and greed-driven "system" that runs our healthcare??? I feel sorry for our children. Imagine what it's going to be like for them.

Click here to read the article:


By the way, remember, if you're healthy, you CAN'T "catch" the flu. The notion itself is ridiculous. It removes the burden of responsibility from many people.

To get healthy, you've got to consistently Move Well, Eat Well, Think Well and Rest Well. If you don't, you're susceptible to the flu and a whole lot more.

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