Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"Organic" Doesn't Always Mean "Healthy"

This is just something I've been thinking about since my last grocery shopping adventure with my 2 year old. I'm already finding myself answering his food and nutrition questions - interrogation, is more like it - as he tries to negotiate for the foods he sees on the shelves!

I remember having the same conversation with my daughter a few times in the last couple of years, as well as countless practice members.

The conversation begins when I hear, "but it's organic, so it's OK to have it... ", or "it's organic, so it must be good for me!"

Keeping this real simple, sure... if it's organic, it's automatically less toxic to your body. BUT, just because it's organic doesn't necessarily mean that it will create health for you!

Imagine a dynamic "scale" of Health. On one end is Optimal Health. The other end is chronic illness and Death. The direction we're moving on this scale in any given day depends on the choices we make (how we eat, move, think, rest).

Pure and sufficient choices move us toward Optimal Health. Toxic and deficient ones move us toward illness and death.

I guaranatee you that if you munch down a box of organic 'oreos' or a bag of organic cheese curls, they won't do a thing to move you toward Optimal Health! I don't care how organic they are! They fit into the classification of Deficient (lacking the nutrition we innately require to create Optimal Health). Therefore, these processed, nutrient -lacking foods move you the opposite direction on the scale.

Now, if you had the choice between the organic 'oreos' and the conventional ones.... organic wins, hands down! They'll move you the wrong way on the scale, but not as much and not as quickly. I'm OK with making that choice once in awhile!

The same basic Wellness principles apply to all food choices, organic or not. REAL, God-grown food is always the healthiest choice.

Hey, I live in the real world too! I know that's not always possible and certainly not always convenient. Just know that if you choose more foods that don't even come with a label (eg. fresh produce), then you're most likely moving the right direction on the Scale of Health.

OK, gotta' go get some organic 'oreos'!

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