Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Join the "Flat Tummy" Club (A.K.A. the "No More Belly" Club!)

Are you fed up with the "pooch" that has permanently moved in below your waist?! (Guys, for you it's the infamous "beer gut"!) Sick and tired of being overweight and not looking and feeling the way you'd like? Rest assured, you are not alone! Excess abdominal fat and inches are a stubborn challenge for the majority of us. After my second child was born, I found that it just wasn't an easy process to get back to my ideal size, shape, body fat percentage or weight. I eat very well and exercise a LOT... yet I had reached a very annoying plateau that did not make me content! Sure, people would tell me, "you look great", but I knew in my heart that I wasn't where I needed to be in order to achieve optimal health and feel great abut how I looked.

It wasn't until this past spring that I finally found the solution that blasted me right off that darn plateau! My husband and I did a 9 day cleansing and fat burning program by Isagenix. Now, I've done cleanses before, lots of 'em. This was the very first time that I've ever noticed the sensation of a shrinking waistline - I kid you not! By day 2 on the program, I felt noticably different! I seriously felt a flatter abdomen... did I mention it was day TWO?! I couldn't believe it! My husband could see my results in the first 2-3 days as well. Wow! We shed almost 20 pounds, LOTS of inches and several percentage points of body fat. Not bad for 9 days! The best part of the program for us was that it also cleanses and detoxifies the body. It's not deprivation or diet pills... it's getting healthier, and enjoying the fantastic visible results along the way!

Oh, and the results have lasted! Like I said, this 9 day program seems to be just what I needed to take me to the next level. I've felt significantly more tone and lean ever since we completed the program months ago. I think that's sensational... it's not what I usually hear from people who've tried diets and other programs.

Several members of our wellness practice have now done the Isagenix program and their results are all phenomenal as well. The story is the same, person after person - regardless of age or condition. We can pretty much predict that if someone actually sticks to the program they're gonna' shed some toxic pounds and inches. It's a no-brainer!

My husband and I started the 30 day program last week. At my one week check-in, I had already dropped a couple more body fat percentage points and 4 more pounds. I AM A HAPPY CAMPER!

So, if you'd like to join our Flat Tummy Club, go check it out for yourself at and visit the "programs" area. If you have specific questions, I'd be happy to answer them for you - just email me!

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