Monday, September 24, 2007

To Burn Fat and Lose Flab, Think BIG!

You may already know that in order to lose fat and become lean you need resistance exercise incorporated into your exercise routine. Many people still think that logging hours of cardio will shed the fat. Actually, scientific research has proven that in order to increase your metabolic rate 24/7 so that your body sheds fat even while you’re resting, you need to include a full body resistance routine that ‘stresses’ all the big, major muscle groups. Oh, and it helps if you break a sweat! Even your resistance training should exercise your heart, therefore doubling as cardio exercise also.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re using your own body weight for resistance, going to the gym or working out at home. The point is to do an intense full body training routine comprised of multi-joint movements for both the upper and lower body. Multi-joint exercises are more functional/realistic movements vs. isolated single-joint, traditional weight training moves. Multi-joint exercises move ‘big’ groups of muscle… like doing hard physical work in real life. Some examples are squats, lunges, deadlifts, upper body presses and pulls—all burn more calories both during and after the exercise. Also, many of these exercises are more effective at bringing your abs out of hibernation than actual ab-specific training. That’s because these “big” exercises create metabolic changes in your entire body that assist in reducing your body fat so you can better see the abs you have.

This is just scratching the surface of a very important and detailed subject. For much more detailed information, go to

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