Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Halfway Point "Weigh In"

Here's a funny little bit of irony for you...

As you may recall, my husband and I are about halfway into our 30 day Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning Program. I haven't gotten on the scale or taken out the measuring tape since day 3, at which point I had shed 3 pounds and a few inches. My body tends to respond more slowly than others, so I didn't bother checking my stats again - I thought I'd just wait until day 30.

Well, a couple of nights ago we were teaching a seminar on this very topic, "The Need for Cleansing and Detoxification in Order to Lose Weight and Achieve Optimal Health". I'm a bit of a plan-ahead type of a person, so I had known for days what I was going to wear for the seminar. It's a particular suit that is a very ego-satisfying size, that I purchased not too long ago. When I first purchased the suit, it fit. Not a whole lotta' room for Thanksgiving dinner... but it fit! The last time I wore it was sometime in the fall, and I noticed that the waist was a little roomier.

So, on the day of the seminar, I had planned to spend the afternoon with the kids since I'd be gone at night, then get changed at the last minute and head off to the practice... it was all very graceful and organized in my mind!!! I think somewhere in this daydream of mine, I was also awarded the Mother of the Year Award for my amazing ability to balance my career and family so masterfully... HA!

Of course you know what happened, don't you! Although I had planned on wearing the suit, my I'm-so-organized-self didn't see the need to try it on ahead of time. ("L" on my forehead!) Just moments before I needed to be walking out the door, I slipped the pants on... and practically had to catch them before they fell down!!! I thought, "you have got to be kidding me! What is wrong with these pants???" I quickly grabbed a belt and pulled it tight. Then I looked downright stupid. There was no way I could wear this outfit.

I'm not much of a shopper. I can count on one hand the number of times I've purchased clothing for myself in the last two years. I just never feel like it, or the kids are always with me, or I should be doing something else instead, or it's not the right time financially... for whatever reason, my wardrobe is seriously lacking!

In about one minute, I had to scrape together an outfit that was both appropriate to teach a seminar in, as well as remain on my body for the duration of the talk! I still haven't stepped on the scale since day 3, but it's quite apparent that my body is shifting and redistributing weight and inches in a very positive way!

Once I finally got my heart rate back under control, I was cracking up all the way to the practice! I learned several lessons that day:
  • it's not enough to think you know what you're going to wear - you actually need to try it on ahead of time!
  • the scales never tell the entire story
  • stick with the right program long enough and you WILL get results
  • this Isagenix program is phenomenal! I didn't even realize how much my body had changed... it's so easy!
  • the one drawback to doing the Isagenix programs is that it will cost you some money to re-vamp your wardrobe!
  • I seriously need to get out and do some shopping!
  • I should do cleansing and fat burning seminars more often - obviously my body was motivated to lead by example!

My husband and I are having so much fun with Isagenix, both personally and with assisting others in their lifestyle changes, that we've decided to enter the IsaBody Challenge that Isagenix just started in January. They're giving away $100,000.00 in prizes and some other neat stuff for individuals and families who have the greatest changes in their lives as a result of Isagenix. We thought, "why not!" At the very least, we know it will make us even healthier to continue on the programs for another few months... and it's great motivation for all the people we're trying to help as well.

I'll post some more info soon about the IsaBody Challenge, in case you'd like to join us. I've even got my dad on board with this... he's going to do SO well, I can hardly wait to see the massive improvements he makes!

You can check out the Isagenix systems at In my opinion, the best way to start is to do the 30 day program and then follow it up with the Total Wellness program. I've also seen great success with folks who just get right into the Total Wellness program. Depends how much weight, inches and fat you'd like to shed. If you're thinking about starting, email me so I can help you navigate the ordering/signing up process (and save you some $$$). You can reach me at

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