Friday, January 25, 2008

The Most Common Workout Mistakes Women Make (Part 2)

Mistake #2
Target Training for your
“Trouble Spots”.

I respectfully admire the sculpted, toned arms of celebrities like Madonna, Kelly Ripa and Jennifer Garner… and the chiseled abs of Fergie, Gwen Stefani and all those fitness magazine cover models. But I don’t for a second think that these ladies have discovered some “magic” exercise that mysteriously melts fat off of particular areas of the body on demand!

It’s time to let go of the urban legend of “spot reduction” and move on to reality!

There’s simply no single exercise that can work like a magic eraser, ridding your least favorite body parts of unsightly fat. That’s just not how the body works. (Darnit!) I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but to lose fat you need to challenge ALL the muscles in your body in order to boost your metabolism (increase your Resting Metabolic Rate – “RMR”). This results in you losing fat throughout your entire body. Your body functions as a lean, mean fat-burning machine 24-7 when you power-up your RMR!

If your goal is fat loss and becoming lean and toned, then those isolated, shaping exercises are a waste of your time. Just because some of these exercises may make you “feel the burn” certainly doesn’t mean you actually are burning the fat.

One of the most effective ways to maximize your inherent fat burning potential and increase your RMR is through full body, short burst resistance training. In this type of focused, intense workout you’re working several muscle groups at once and creating a major workload for your body. Short burst resistance training saves you precious time, skyrockets your energy levels and incinerates fat and calories.

Give it a try for a few weeks… you’ll love the results you see!

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