Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Weight "Loss" or "Misplacement"?

Ok, apparently I need to clarify something. With all the talk about fat burning and weight loss on this site, I have people say to me on occasion, "You don't ever want to say weight LOSS, because whatever you lose you're sure to find again... you wouldn't want to program yourself to anticipate FINDING your weight again!"

Makes me smile!

I have practiced 'intentional word choice' for many years now. For example, I won't say, "my back is killing me" or "I'm sick and tired of this", because I DO believe that what we say over and over will eventually be believed by our cells... and manifested. So, I understand where these fine folks are coming from... BUT....

Apparently, you need to know me better! If you did, you'd know that once I LOSE something, it's GONE! No chance it's coming back... it has disappeared into the same mysterious abyss that takes socks from our dryer, hair clips from my daughter and details of our conversations from my husband!

Now, if I would have said "weight MISPLACEMENT" we'd be in big trouble! In that case, I'd fully expect to re-visit those old pounds of fat really soon! When most people say they've "lost" their keys, I've simply "misplaced" mine for now. No biggie. I don't think most people want to misplace thier weight - I'd venture to guess they want to LOSE it!

I'm kinda' poking fun at some of the big-name "weight management" programs and companies today! I'm glad that so many people take it so seriously - we should take our health seriously. We should also take our word choice seriously AND intentionally. I just wish that people would take ALL their words and expressions so literally... their subconscious and their bodies certainly do!

(But hey, if it helps people lose their excess weight and toxic fat, who am I to scold?!)

Go ahead and say it... say, "I'm losing weight!" Say it and mean it. If you really mean it, that weight and the accompanying fat and inches will be gone forever!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.

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