Monday, February 4, 2008

This Can't Possibly Be Healthy!

In preparation for a very low-key Superbowl celebration at our house, the kids were absolutely thrilled that they would be able to partake in “party food” with mom’s blessing!

My socialized daughter was a little stone-faced when I broke the news to her… “party food” in our house consisted of homemade organic guacamole and salsa with organic blue chips, as well as bison burgers (without buns) and the usual array of veggies. BUT, they got to eat in front of the television for a change!Woo hoo!

Hey, give me a break! We don’t usually snack on chips and dips in the middle of the day… it really was a special occasion for them! Not necessarily what the rest of the armchair quarterbacks in the country were eating, but “party food” in this house, nonetheless!

Do you know how long any menu-related disappointment lasted? Less than a minute. As soon as I recruited the kids’ help in mashing and smashing avocados and squirting lime juice, they were all for my Superbowl party! I have to admit, I talked up the guacamole so much, they may have actually been salivating in anticipation of tasting mom’s homemade recipe! I went on and on about how it’s my most favorite food on the whole entire planet… you know, Superbowl hype!

(By the way, I made the most boring version of guacamole today – only used fresh lime juice and garlic sea salt. I didn’t want to overdo it with my usual ultra garlic on behalf of the kids! I just made it sound really exciting so they’d have fun with it!)

My daughter used to eat avocados like they were going out of style. Of course, ever since her school socialization, that’s one more thing on “the list”… the “I don’t like that anymore, mommy” list. I despise that list!

So today I was tickled when she took the first bite of guacamole and exclaimed that it was the very best guacamole she had ever tasted in her whole entire life! She had inhaled nearly half the bowl when I decided to announce that this particular homemade version of guacamole was actually HEALTHY and good for her! Them are fightin’ words these days with this kid!

She looked up at me in utter disbelief and blurted out, “this can’t possibly be good for me – it tastes WAY too good!” It was hilarious! My little nutburger proceeded to chow down on her 'new favorite food', trying her best to eat it all before her brother could get his fair share!

Mission complete for today. We made it through Superbowl Sunday relatively unscathed! In fact, my kids have a new, fun, healthy definition of “party food”!

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