Monday, February 11, 2008

Valentine's Day "Treats" For Kids

By now, you're aware that I have food "issues"! I prefer to think of it as making healthy choices for my family... but most just see it as "issues"!

Here's another example. I can't stand holidays and occasions where the tradition has become junk-food-centered for the kids... like Valentine's Day. I know it's what's socially expected, but that doesn't make me feel any better about going along with it.

My daughter was asking me if we could buy lots of candy for her classmates, because she was told that's what everyone else was doing. (Insert motherly eye roll here!) I explained that, knowing what I know, I just couldn't find it in my heart to hand out toxins coated in sugar to all her friends... I couldn't knowingly contribute to their loss of optimal health.

Why couldn't we just gift her friends with coloring books and pencils and fun games...? (Insert daughter's eye roll here!)

So, we compromised. My daughter wanted to give 'food' - a treat. And it had to look special for Valentine's Day. I wanted to do something that wouldn't shorten their life spans! We agreed upon raspberry yogurt covered pretzels from Whole Foods Market - no high fructose corn syrup, trans fats, artificial sweeteners or colors. We both taste-tested them and agreed we had found a winner!

She's happy - they're pink and pretty. I'm happy - she learned another valuable lesson in making healthier, but not necessarily perfect, choices.

I'm also happy because I stashed a few for myself!

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