Monday, August 13, 2007

Kids and the 'Boob Tube'

First, you need to know something about me. I cannot stand my children watching television. It is not a part of their lifestyle. I can count on one hand (OK, maybe two!) the number of times they've watched more than a few minutes in the last year. Yes, I have issues!!! I have never claimed to be 'normal'!

Seriously though, I DO have some legitimate reasons. A couple of them are:

  • research has shown that the quickly changing images on the screen are damaging to optimal brain development
  • I think I've actually seen my children's brains turn completely off once the television is on!!! It's like watching my husband watch any sporting event... drives me NUTS!
  • I despise, vehemently despise, the commercials! Kids are exposed to unbelievable amounts of violence, questionable portrayal of sexuality and DRUG commercials ad nauseum. It's the drug commercials that drive me over the edge!

Kids are subtly brainwashed into thinking that they need drugs (you may know them as 'medication'... I know them as drugs!) ... that their bodies couldn't possibly function normally without this chemical input. Yet, we expect them to "just say NO"???

I think it's too late for most grown-ups! Most I talk to are completely de-sensitized to this issue. Makes me sad. But with kids, it completely ticks me off. I'm worried about creating a future filled with people who have no idea what real, natural health feels like... or how to achieve it. I'm also worried about how many children are developing chronic drug dependence and will develop a state of chronic dis-ease due to the toxic drugs they regularly take.

(I'm also concerned that in the near future, men will no longer know what a 'real' breast looks like! ha! OK, I digress...)

Because of the commercials alone I'd rather let the kids watch a "Dr. Mom approved" movie from time to time. Even if they've seen it 25 times, at least I know what to expect!

By the way, I don't think for one second that any parent would knowingly give their child something they thought might harm them. (I'm not talking about that miniscule percentage of the population that are truly dangerous). I believe that parents just don't know the whole truth... they don't have all the information. If so, of course they'd make even better health choices for their kids. That's why I write these blogs!

Watching television also seems to work in direct opposition to the human body's natural requirements for movement. Parking it on the couch for a few hours a week, or a day, is obviously a contributing factor to childhood obesity. Our bodies need to MOVE! Wellness experts have said that movement is actually one of the most important 'nutrients' for our bodies, and brains. Movement creates Proprioceptive input... which essentially feeds the brain. A sedentary lifestyle starves the brain of this critical input.

So, what's a kid to do rather than watch television?

In the next blog, I'll share some tips and suggestions that work well for our family, as well as several from our experienced Practice Members.

Let me know what works for you and I'll share it with the group!

P.S. I know there are some fabulous educational opportunities available on television... unfortunately, I just never seem to catch them... nor am I actively seeking times for my kids to sit and watch the tube! Let me know your favorites, and don't forget to tell me what kind of commercials they show during the episode! (eg. ever notice that if you watch the Today show or Good Morning America, you might end up thinking that you need about 6 different meds just to be 'normal'??!!)

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