Sunday, August 19, 2007

My 12 Favorite POWER Pregnancy Foods

I'm asked quite often by moms-to-be what they should be eating during pregnancy. I love talking to women about this because it brings up really good memories of just feeling fantastic about what I was putting in my body everyday! I loved how I ate during both pregnancies. In fact, when I get stuck in a "food rut", or I know I've been getting off track, I basically go back to preparing my favorite foods from pregnancy.

My 12 favorite power foods were, and still are:

1) Avocados: they're loaded with mono-unsaturated fats, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin E, folic acid, lutein and protein. I especially enjoyed these in my first pregnancy when I was following a vegetarian lifestyle.

2) Beans and legumes: great source of fiber, zinc and protein. They strengthen the kidneys and adrenals and therefore promote physical growth and development. I LOVE beans! I thought for sure that at least one of my babies would come out looking like a chickpea, black bean or green pea! I just couldn't get enough of them!

3) Berries: nature's source of antioxidants, vitamins and phytonutrients. God's candy! Look for organic, fresh and seasonal whenever possible.

4) Dark leafy greens: Vitamins A and C, folic acid, fiber, antioxidants and CALCIUM.

5) Eggs: protein, vitamin A, iron. If you purchase omega-3 or DHA enhanced eggs, you also benefit from the essential fatty acids content, Many grocers now carry organic, free-range eggs... worth the price and effort to decrease your toxicity and increase your purity during this important time of growing a human being inside you!

6) Green veggies: broccoli & asparagus, especially. Yum. It's no wonder my daughter asked for broccoli on her 2nd Christmas... she came by it naturally! These two power veggies are loaded with calcium (broccoli has almost as much as whole milk and it's better absorbed), vitamin C, E and A, selenium, zinc, B-complex and potassium. Asparagus in particular is the food highest in glutathione - a critical anticarcinogen.

7) Sprouts: contain protein, enzymes, vitamin C and some B vitamins.

8) Fatty fish or Non-toxic fish oil supplement: Provides essential fatty acids for your chemical/emotional balance as well as your baby's brain and neurological development.

I kept trying... but I just can't stand fish! Instead, I guzzled TONS of pure fish oil throughout both pregnancies... even more during post-partum. You have to make sure it's NON-toxic, ultra-refined, pharmaceutical grade... whatever your preferred brand calls it to make sure there is NO MERCURY in it. You get what you pay for with this one. Spend a little more to invest in the safest brain building nutrient you could possibly provide for you and your baby.

9) Raw nuts: great source of vitamin E, magnesium, mono-unsaturated fats. Almonds are like the King of Nuts! They are anticarcinogenic, lower cholesterol, alkalinize the entire system, while supporting the digestive and nervous systems. They are a very good source of protein, several B vitamins, CALCIUM, iron, potassium and phosphorus.

10) Organic, grass-fed or hormone & antibiotic free bison and chicken. My two meats of choice... get a clean source of your favorites. Excellent protein, iron and zinc source.

11) Sweet potatoes: great source of vitamins A and E.

12) Organic kefir and yogurt: provide beneficial probiotic bacteria, calcium and protein.

My nutritional focus during pregnancy and postpartum wase to get enough pure protein, greens and omega-3, DHA in particular. On the days I wasn't too sure if my food would achieve those 3 goals, I'd mix a smoothie with my favorite protein (Dream Protein - see my favorite links for free samples), Greens First (ditto) and Innate Choice fish oil. All bases were covered!

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