Thursday, September 6, 2007

The First Lunch of the School Year

Yesterday was my daughter's first full day of school. Hence, a packed lunch was required.

When I picked her up after school, I immediately realized "here we go again!!!" She's certainly accustomed to the lunches I pack for her... she knows it's next-to-impossible to win a nutritional argument with me... but she still gives it a valiant effort!

I do feel kind of sorry for her though. Afterall, SHE shouldn't have to feel like a 'food outcast' because she's eating simple, healthy foods. Poor kid! She asked me "how come I don't have any food that comes in a package that I can open, like everyone else?" I'm thinking, "Ummmm.... because I love you? Because I care? Because I know a thing or two about creating optimal health?" 'Geez kiddo... cut me some slack here!

By now, you know my philosophy well enough to understand that I would never imply that a parent who puts packaged food in their child's lunch doesn't love their precious offspring! Nope - don't go there! I just know that parents need better, more truthful nutrional and health information to base their choices upon. That's my job.

So what was this far-fetched lunch that I packed my daughter... the one that caused one of the teachers to ask if she's on a special diet???!!!! (ha!) Hold on to your hats - this is pretty over-the-top! She had an organic chicken hot dog (no bun), and organic cucumber slices, grape tomatoes, carrots and apple slices. Crazy, I know! What a whacked-out mom I am!

You know, in talking to the other moms, it's not that they think what I pack is weird - they think it's weird, and a little bit 'cruel', that I don't pack all the other "stuff". I understand where they're coming from... we've all been conditioned to think that way. Commercials and other forms of marketing teach us that that's what 'good' moms feed their kids. But C'mon! "Cruel" to not feed her Doritos and Oreos? How backwards have we become?! Silly.

Anyway, rest assured that she WILL eat some of these 'treats' throughout the school year. Again, we just make sure there's no confusion in her mind regarding what choices create a healthy body... and which ones move her away from health.

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