Practical, simple, and scientifically accurate health, nutrition, exercise, and sustainable fat loss tips from an experienced Wellness doctor and mother of two... mixed with personal stories of parenting trials and tribulations, walking the cancer journey with both parents, helping others see things from the other side of the paradigm... and finding the blessings and humor in it all! Healthier does not have to mean harder! Join me in the healthy fun!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Is There Only ONE Cookbook?
Mom has been living with breast cancer that has metastasized to her bone marrow and possibly some other areas. She has literally been wasting away while the "specialists" have been shaking their heads, patting her on the back, telling her she's doing great, ordering more tests and prescribing more drugs. Doing "great????" What the ---??!! I scream like a lunatic in my head at these people when they utter insane things like that.
Last week mom was rushed to the hospital after passing out in a grocery store (she was sitting, not shopping). She was released a few hours later and told "everything's normal". Again I scream, "what the ----???!!!" Normal! She has become skin and bones and you call that "normal"??? I think not, my superior specialists.
Mom is in a state of cachexia. The cancer is now eating her healthy tissue to survive. What good will another test do? How is the hormone therapy helping with that? Nobody in the esteemed cancer clinic has even mentioned anything about this... ever. Once this final stage of cancer happens, the focus turns from investigation (more and more tests) and treatment of potential spread (hormones) to KEEPING THE PATIENT ALIVE long enough to treat anything!
This just all proves that orthodox medicine doesn't even come CLOSE to having all the answers, as they'd have us believe. Hey, I'm totally OK with a profession that is only able to handle some of the health/sickness problems that people face... that actually makes more sense anyway. Nobody can possibly know everything.
BUT that profession should announce its limitations loud and clear!!! They can't fix everything, and in fact can make many things worse. They don't know everything about everything. I don't think that the 'not knowing everything' and 'not fixing everything' are even remotely dangerous. What I KNOW is dangerous leading innocent people to believe they know everything, can fix everything... AND nobody else could possibly know anything!!! No wonder the practice of medicine is now officially the #1 cause of all preventable deaths in the U.S. You know the saying... Jack of all trades, master of NONE!
I firmly believe that every person who is "in" medicine (doctors, nurses, etc.) chose the profession because they truly thought it was the best way to help their fellow humans. I believe they are good people - great people. (maybe they are, maybe they aren't... I choose to believe thay ARE so I can sleep at night!) I just know that their "cookbook for health" has very few recipes... and they're all very similar recipes, with similar ingredients! And once you've tried all those recipes, that's it! There's no more food for you... you can't be served by the cook anymore!
It's pretty ignorant AND arrogant AND ridiculous AND CRIMINAL to think that you would have the one and only cookbook on the planet that people should be allowed to use in order to create their meals!!! There are wonderful, delicious, healthy, satisfying and safe flavors from all over the world that anyone has the right to consume!
I suppose the fear is that we just might like those other recipes better... and realize that they tasted better, made us feel better and cost less!! OUCH!
So back to my mom. She'll begin a natural treatment for cachexia (that I found on this week. Will it work? Only God knows. I just think we should have been given the opportunity by the 'gatekeepers of health' a LONG time ago. Health and life should always be about the people... not egos and arrogance.
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