Thursday, January 31, 2008

Dehydrated School Kids

Last week, I volunteered in my daughter's class for the day. Everytime I do this, I leave feeling disappointed, disturbed, sad, helpless, frustrated and ready to home school! The number one reason for my dismay, in a nutshell, is nutrition. The lack thereof, I should say.

I have to sit there and watch my daughter look like some kind of freak because she is expected to eat her protein and veggies for lunch! A few months ago she started pleading with me to pack her something - anything - that came in a package, like all the other kids' snacks and lunches. What's wrong with that picture?! Poor kid - her mom is SO mean! Can you believe I would have the audacity to pack lunches and snacks that don't have a shelf life, and actually contribute to lifelong health? What nerve I have! Honestly, I thought I'd have a few more years before she'd start caring so much about what her friends were doing... and eating. Geez Louise, you'd think I was trying to kill the poor girl!

The one thing that really surprised me last week was the lack of water these kids drink throughout the day. They have a pure water dispenser right in their classroom, yet I didn't see one child drink a glass of water all day long. Sure, maybe I caught them on an 'off' day. The problem is, when it comes to drinking water, there shouldn't be 'off' days! Kids cannot be healthy without water.

From a teacher's perspective, I can understand how drinking water throughout the day could lead to some challenges, like more frequent trips to the bathroom or shenanigans at the water fountain. BUT, on the other hand, I would think that teachers might enjoy the countless benefits that drinking sufficient, pure water would provide for the kids: better energy levels, better able to focus, clearer thinking, happier, stronger immune systems, more stable moods... the list is incredibly lengthy.

I think it would be simple to implement 'mandatory/extremely-highly-recommended' water breaks 2-4 times per day, as well as providing the kids a glass of water with their lunch and snack. Again, even if it is a slight inconvenience, isn't the health of the kids worth it? Can you even imagine how much better they'd function if they were properly hydrated?

Perhaps I'm naive, or missing some major detail that would prevent this from happening. For example, maybe several kids are highly allergic to pure water! Ha! My point is, it's fabulously good for everyone... it absolutely cannot hurt.

I so strongly feel that schools should not be the creative force in a foundation for lifetime sickness. Our kids should be 'safe' there. Yes, I do believe that poor nutritional habits, and the reinforcement of these poor choices in a powerfully influential social setting such as school, is highly dangerous to the health of our children. There are simple things that can be implemented throughout the day in a school setting that could drastically improve the current and future health of our kids. Water is one of those simple things.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Most Common Workout Mistakes Women Make (Part 4)

Mistake #4: Wimpy Workouts!

This mistake is somewhat similar to being resistant to resistance training. When I talk about “wimpy” workouts, I’m essentially talking about the mundane routines many people get into in their fitness routines… how we end up just going through the motions during workouts.

The biggest, wimpiest mistake I see women making in their resistance training is using only traditional machines to train. If you’re not careful, this can quickly and easily get you into a workout rut, leaving you bored and frustrated with your lack of results.

Machines make it very difficult to workout with the same level of intensity you could achieve with free weights, bands, medicine balls and other ‘unanchored’ training devices. Machines provide anchored stability, which is fine for a temporary change or if you’re working your way through an injury.

Otherwise, you want your muscles to act as the stabilizers as well as the weight lifters and movers. This creates a greater workload, forcing your muscles to not only move the weight, but also to stabilize you as you work. This type of workout is also significantly more effective for training your core. When your muscles are working harder and smarter with free weights and other resistance tools, you boost your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR). As a result of a higher RMR, you’ll burn more fat and become leaner.

Machines also tend to limit and alter your natural range of motion. All up-to-date fitness and exercise experts agree that the optimal exercises are performed with full range of motion and the natural arcs and positioning unique to each individual. Machines are essentially one-size-fits-all. Again, a decreased and ‘contained’ range of motion may be exactly what you need if you’re looking to change up your routine for a short time or if you’re injured. If not, think of imitating movements of real life, like pull-starting a lawn mower, washing windows, lifting groceries, carrying kids, etc.

Traditional machines also tend to focus on isolated muscle groups and isolated movements. They’re not representative of real life movements and positions. Global or functional exercises incorporate large groups of muscle to perform a movement that is similar to real life movements. How often do we find ourselves needing to mimic the movement of the seated quadriceps extension, hamstring curl or triceps extension? I’m not sure I’ve ever done any of those isolated movements outside of a gym! Much more useful and practical exercises would be squats, lunges, deadlifts, rowing and push-ups – these prepare us for the type of lifting, stability, balance and power that’s required of us to live our everyday lives.

So, YES it’s more difficult to train with free weights than to use the machines… that’s the whole point! If your goal is to shed fat and inches as well as becoming lean and toned then you want to create more work for your body. It’s a good thing! Remember, you don’t have to workout any longer… just smarter. The good news is that even though your workout needs to become more challenging, it should become a shorter workout too! Whew!

Finally, keep moving during your workout. This is not social hour… unless that’s your primary goal. You want short bursts of intensity. Get in, get to it, and get out! Either take the extra time you’ve saved by doing efficient workouts and have your social time after your workout, or find a workout friend that shares your goals of fat loss and getting toned. That way you can have fun and a social life while you’re working hard and getting results.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Most Common Workout Mistakes Women Make (Part 3)

Mistake #3: Being Resistant to Resistance Training!

I hear lots of women tell me that they don’t want to use weights or resistance training because they “don’t want to bulk up”… they only want to “get toned”.

I completely understand. I mean, who wants to be mistaken for a man! But let’s think about what we’re saying here. If you don’t see your muscle definition, it’s because you have a layer(s) of fat covering up those beauties. “Toned” simply means that you have shed enough fat to see your muscle definition. It’s muscle that gives your body a lean, tight, firm shape.

As far as bulking up like a man goes, it ain’t happenin’ sister! Women simply do not have enough testosterone, or spend enough time with massive weights, to get “bulky”. Those images of large-muscled women you have in your brain right now are women who trained, ate and supplemented in a specific way to intentionally look like that. Fear not – once you add the proper, smart resistance training to your workouts, you’ll only look lean, toned and firm!

If you’re not intentionally training to bulk up, the only reason why you would feel or look “bulky” is because you’re still carrying excess body fat while you’re building muscle, Chances are that you may not be working out and/or eating in a way that promotes fat loss. The resistance training is still beneficial, of course, but it won’t get you the results you want if you don’t lose the fat and correct your diet.

Remember, the key in all workouts (including resistance training) is high intensity, variety and short bursts of activity. This challenges your body- your muscles - in such a way to drastically increase your Resting Metabolic Rate for great lengths of time following your workouts. This way, your muscles become the furnace that burns fat 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Bonus: muscle takes up less space than fat! The quickest, surefire way to drop a jean size is to incorporate this short burst resistance training into your fitness routine.

Aside from the fabulous improvements you’ll see on the outside of your body when you add proper resistance training, there’s also a tremendous life-giving benefit, especially for women. Resistance training is one of the single most important things you can do to drastically improve the strength and integrity of your bones. The stronger your muscles, the stronger your bones. This gives you lifelong protection against diseases like osteoporosis and serious, debilitating injuries like hip fractures.

But, if you still don’t like the idea of all that beautiful, toned, lean muscle on your body, then you had better get used to a soft and flabby body! Lean, toned, healthy and fit bodies have a low body fat percentage and a lot of lean muscle.

It’s time to step off the treadmill and into the free weights and bands for some beauty building from the inside out!

Friday, January 25, 2008

The Most Common Workout Mistakes Women Make (Part 2)

Mistake #2
Target Training for your
“Trouble Spots”.

I respectfully admire the sculpted, toned arms of celebrities like Madonna, Kelly Ripa and Jennifer Garner… and the chiseled abs of Fergie, Gwen Stefani and all those fitness magazine cover models. But I don’t for a second think that these ladies have discovered some “magic” exercise that mysteriously melts fat off of particular areas of the body on demand!

It’s time to let go of the urban legend of “spot reduction” and move on to reality!

There’s simply no single exercise that can work like a magic eraser, ridding your least favorite body parts of unsightly fat. That’s just not how the body works. (Darnit!) I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but to lose fat you need to challenge ALL the muscles in your body in order to boost your metabolism (increase your Resting Metabolic Rate – “RMR”). This results in you losing fat throughout your entire body. Your body functions as a lean, mean fat-burning machine 24-7 when you power-up your RMR!

If your goal is fat loss and becoming lean and toned, then those isolated, shaping exercises are a waste of your time. Just because some of these exercises may make you “feel the burn” certainly doesn’t mean you actually are burning the fat.

One of the most effective ways to maximize your inherent fat burning potential and increase your RMR is through full body, short burst resistance training. In this type of focused, intense workout you’re working several muscle groups at once and creating a major workload for your body. Short burst resistance training saves you precious time, skyrockets your energy levels and incinerates fat and calories.

Give it a try for a few weeks… you’ll love the results you see!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Most Common Workout Mistakes Women Make

Well, we’re a few weeks into the New Year… and a few weeks into new workout programs. Throughout the course of my day, both in and out of the practice, I like to chat with my fellow females about their health concerns and challenges.

I’ve talked with countless women who have started feverishly working out since the new year, all with the same goals in mind – shed fat, inches and weight, boost metabolism, get toned up, tighten up some ‘droopy’ areas and drop a few sizes - and they want it all NOW! Is this you, too?!

Unfortunately, what I’m also hearing is that these women, and most others beginning a new program, are not getting accurate or current information to get them headed in the right direction. In fact, there are a handful of common mistakes that most are making that can destroy your metabolism, zap your energy and actually keep your body soft and flabby.

If your intention is in fact to burn fat, lose weight and get toned, then there’s a basic underlying principle to get straight – your workouts will need to be intense in order to create the change you want. Not “killer” intense, but not slacker-lazy workouts either! The overall effect you’re trying to create is an increased Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR). Once you’ve achieved this, your body burns fat and sheds pounds for you 24/7.

Mistake #1
When you walk into a gym, especially at this time of year, where do you see the most people exercising? That’s right – the cardio machines. There is a long-held misconception that the more endurance-type cardio you do, the more calories you’ll burn, therefore the more fat you’ll burn &/or weight you’ll lose.

Remember our goal? Fat loss, getting toned and lean, increasing metabolism… right? Steady-paced, low to medium intensity cardio doesn’t cut the mustard! Yes, you may expend many calories during your workout and increase your metabolism, but only for a very short time – maybe an hour or two following your workout. This ‘old school’ type of cardio can actually result in fat storage and muscle loss… the exact opposite of what we want. If we lose muscle, we lose our built-in fat burners.

The key to achieving the results you want with cardio is to work harder, not longer. This could mean several different things. First, think of short bursts of intensity. Sprints come to mind! Other examples may be increasing the incline on your treadmill for part of your routine, or adding some jogging/running/sprinting to whatever program you’re currently doing. Just step it up for part of your workout and you’ll see better results. Challenge yourself.

If you wear a heart rate monitor, during this type of cardio workout you should see your heart rate increase, then come down, then up again… this creates a great challenge for your cardiovascular system… creates more workload… increases your RMR. In fact, when you add intense workouts to your repertoire, you can increase your RMR for 1-2 DAYS afterward! Nice! We need to shift our thinking from “How many calories is this exercise burning?” to “How many calories am I burning in a given 24 hour period?” (ie. “How efficient is my RMR?”)

Another thing to keep in mind with your cardio workouts is to add variability… mix it up. Once again, your body sees this as a challenge – it never gets lazy and accustomed to the same ‘ol routine. This could be as simple as doing different ‘programs’ on the treadmill or elliptical. It could be as widely varied as sprinting one day, jumping rope another, cycling another, kick boxing another, etc. Interval training is another way to add variability. If you’re a walker, try adding some jogging or running for a few minutes in your walk, or jumping jacks or squats or jump rope… you get the picture! If you're already a jogger or runner, add hill sprints for a few minutes, or anything else that really makes you work hard for a short period.

When your body is challenged like this with increased intensity and variety, it will rise to the occasion by shedding more fat for you! So, when it comes to fat burning and weight loss, you can toss the notion of long, boring bouts of cardio out the window! Intensity is the key to getting the most out of your cardio in the least amount of time. 60 minutes of walking on the treadmill can be traded in for 10-20 minutes of hill running... and you're guaranteed to see fabulous results very quickly!

Next time we’ll tackle Mistake #2… Targeting Your Trouble Spots.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

How Mortifying!

Today, my husband and I took our "before" photos for the IsaBody Challenge using Isagenix systems to burn fat and shed toxic weight. GROSS!

What is it about standing there in those dorky poses, demonstrating all your imperfections... no matter how hard you've been working, it's still such an uncomfortable experience to pose for those pictures! We felt so silly as we tried hard not to smile!

It's not a self-esteem issue either... my husband was mortified to have these snapshots taken of himself as well. And he's the most self-assured person I know!

Human nature is so strange!

Anyhow, now we've got some great motivation to step it up a notch with our cleansing program as well as our workouts. When The IsaBody Challenge is all said and done, I'm burning any evidence of those photos!

If you'd care to join us in a Total Life Transformation, email me at and put "Isagenix" in the subject line. I'll help you start your cleansing, detoxifying, shedding, burning and sculpting right away! It would be fun to have a bunch of 'cleansing pals' to do this program with! You don't need to do the IsaBody Challenge if you don't want to... but if you're going to cleanse anyway, you might as well enter the challenge... you just might win several thousand dollars for your efforts!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Halfway Point "Weigh In"

Here's a funny little bit of irony for you...

As you may recall, my husband and I are about halfway into our 30 day Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning Program. I haven't gotten on the scale or taken out the measuring tape since day 3, at which point I had shed 3 pounds and a few inches. My body tends to respond more slowly than others, so I didn't bother checking my stats again - I thought I'd just wait until day 30.

Well, a couple of nights ago we were teaching a seminar on this very topic, "The Need for Cleansing and Detoxification in Order to Lose Weight and Achieve Optimal Health". I'm a bit of a plan-ahead type of a person, so I had known for days what I was going to wear for the seminar. It's a particular suit that is a very ego-satisfying size, that I purchased not too long ago. When I first purchased the suit, it fit. Not a whole lotta' room for Thanksgiving dinner... but it fit! The last time I wore it was sometime in the fall, and I noticed that the waist was a little roomier.

So, on the day of the seminar, I had planned to spend the afternoon with the kids since I'd be gone at night, then get changed at the last minute and head off to the practice... it was all very graceful and organized in my mind!!! I think somewhere in this daydream of mine, I was also awarded the Mother of the Year Award for my amazing ability to balance my career and family so masterfully... HA!

Of course you know what happened, don't you! Although I had planned on wearing the suit, my I'm-so-organized-self didn't see the need to try it on ahead of time. ("L" on my forehead!) Just moments before I needed to be walking out the door, I slipped the pants on... and practically had to catch them before they fell down!!! I thought, "you have got to be kidding me! What is wrong with these pants???" I quickly grabbed a belt and pulled it tight. Then I looked downright stupid. There was no way I could wear this outfit.

I'm not much of a shopper. I can count on one hand the number of times I've purchased clothing for myself in the last two years. I just never feel like it, or the kids are always with me, or I should be doing something else instead, or it's not the right time financially... for whatever reason, my wardrobe is seriously lacking!

In about one minute, I had to scrape together an outfit that was both appropriate to teach a seminar in, as well as remain on my body for the duration of the talk! I still haven't stepped on the scale since day 3, but it's quite apparent that my body is shifting and redistributing weight and inches in a very positive way!

Once I finally got my heart rate back under control, I was cracking up all the way to the practice! I learned several lessons that day:
  • it's not enough to think you know what you're going to wear - you actually need to try it on ahead of time!
  • the scales never tell the entire story
  • stick with the right program long enough and you WILL get results
  • this Isagenix program is phenomenal! I didn't even realize how much my body had changed... it's so easy!
  • the one drawback to doing the Isagenix programs is that it will cost you some money to re-vamp your wardrobe!
  • I seriously need to get out and do some shopping!
  • I should do cleansing and fat burning seminars more often - obviously my body was motivated to lead by example!

My husband and I are having so much fun with Isagenix, both personally and with assisting others in their lifestyle changes, that we've decided to enter the IsaBody Challenge that Isagenix just started in January. They're giving away $100,000.00 in prizes and some other neat stuff for individuals and families who have the greatest changes in their lives as a result of Isagenix. We thought, "why not!" At the very least, we know it will make us even healthier to continue on the programs for another few months... and it's great motivation for all the people we're trying to help as well.

I'll post some more info soon about the IsaBody Challenge, in case you'd like to join us. I've even got my dad on board with this... he's going to do SO well, I can hardly wait to see the massive improvements he makes!

You can check out the Isagenix systems at In my opinion, the best way to start is to do the 30 day program and then follow it up with the Total Wellness program. I've also seen great success with folks who just get right into the Total Wellness program. Depends how much weight, inches and fat you'd like to shed. If you're thinking about starting, email me so I can help you navigate the ordering/signing up process (and save you some $$$). You can reach me at

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

And Another Thing...!

One last thought about those labels...

When the label or the directive comes from the family doctor, there is some unspoken, agreed upon understanding that all parents will do as the 'afflicted' child's label dictates. For example, the gluten-sensitive child at the party, or any child with an allergic response to nuts. We all honor the child's situation and do whatever we need to do to work around it in a way that keeps the child safe and doesn't make the child feel uncomfortable.

What happens when the child has a "condition" that requires him or her to refrain from the regular consumption of junk food, sweets, pop, fast food, etc.? If there were such a 'medical' label, I'd venture to guess that all the parents would jump on board to support the cause!

But since their is no medical condition that requires us to feed our children a pure and sufficient diet, while avoiding toxicity the majority of the time, this lifestyle choice is often disrespected and not taken seriously. In fact, often the child suffers the ridicule of other kids because the child eats "healthy".

How backward is that?

I think I'll make up a condition and label for our kids and all the other families out there who are doing their best to raise healthy kids! I'll call it "Ijustwannabehealthyforlife-itis". It requires absolutely NO prescribed drugs and comes with no strange list of odd ball foods to avoid. It requires real food in its purest form as well as lots of movement and happy thoughts.

AND, if you're afflicted with this condition, you can even share your recommended treatment with others!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Lose The Label and Get Real!

Over the holidays, as I attended a few holiday gatherings, I noticed an interesting, ‘funny’ little trend.

The first time it happened, the ridiculous-ness of it didn’t hit me until later in the day. Some parents and I were watching one particular child (no, not mine!) go hog-wild at the sweets table. This kid was getting his annual quota for sugar in one afternoon! The host of the party turned to the parents of this sugar-nut and said, “I know (your child) has lots of food sensitivities and allergies… don’t worry! I checked it all out ahead of time and none of this has any gluten!” There was a little cheer! Yippee!

The kid kept inhaling cookies, cake and other sweets.

This is what got me thinking about my utter disdain for labels.

Somehow, it seems when a label is attached to a health situation, common sense no longer applies. Who cares if it’s ‘gluten-free’??? The kid was overdosing on toxic refined sugar, refined grains, artificial colors, dairy… ‘Geez Louise!

At another gathering I heard, “I have diabetes so I can’t have too many sweets. Do you have any diet pop?” This person almost didn’t live long enough to get their pop! First of all, I could clearly see the end results of the previous choices this individual had been making. Diet pop was not going to be the deciding factor in the person’s much-needed size reduction. Not to mention, what about all the toxic fake chemical sweeteners used in diet pop? I don’t drink pop, but I’d choose ‘full sugar’ over diet any day!

I just can’t stand the notion of receiving a label of a condition and then fully buying into all the baloney that comes along with it. Take your meds and then eat whatever you want… oh, except these 2 or 3 things.” Ridiculous.

For many people I’ve known, being labeled takes some of the responsibility for making healthy choices off their shoulders. I grew up with a girl who was fond of announcing, “I have allergies, so I can’t (eat this, do that, whatever!)”. Looking back, I recall a whole lot of unhealthy intake, but those toxic foods weren’t on the list of things to avoid given to her by her doctor. I rarely saw the girl eat a vegetable and I KNOW that wasn’t on the list of foods to avoid!

Asthma, allergies and sinus problems are an all-too-common label. I’m certainly not saying that people don’t have issues with these things, but those labels make people believe it’s for life. Just because someone is ‘allergic’ to something now doesn’t mean they will always be – especially if they take steps to live a truly healthy life. I choose to say that someone is having an allergic response to some irritant. I’ll assume it’s not a lifetime affliction!

Countless patients of ours have either totally eliminated or drastically reduced their asthmatic and allergic responses, as well as their chronic sinus congestion. Nothing has to be permanent.

At another get-together, I was sitting with a group of parents when one of their kids came up and said, “Daddy, I have a headache.” Dad then said, “She’s been diagnosed with sinusitis.” (oohs and aahs all around). He asked if she had taken her medication. She said yes. He told her to go take a Tylenol. I fell out of my chair. The little girl said she couldn’t reach them, so dad said, “Just go drink a big glass of milk and you’ll feel better.” Since I was already down on the floor, I just crawled to the nearest bathroom and threw up!

Milk for a sinus problem??? Could it be that too much of that might in fact be causing the sinus problem??? Could it also be possible that she doesn’t “have” anything at all, but her sinuses just respond negatively to what she’s eating or breathing in, etc? Give the kid a glass of water, for crying out loud!

Need I go on? How about a kid diagnosed with ADD/ADHD (for which there are still no definitive tests, by the way) who takes their meds, eats less than pure and sufficient foods, eats junk food, fast food, pop, foods riddled with omega 6 fats that put a death grip on the brain, and takes absolutely no omega 3 oil to balance the chemistry of the brain.

But somehow, since the child has been labeled, takes their prescribed drugs and refills the prescriptions in a timely manner… we’re to assume that everything’s OK!?

Where has the common sense gone? Human beings, with or without labeled diagnoses, have specific innate requirements for optimal health. We require purity and sufficiency in the way we eat, move, think and rest. When these areas become toxic and/or deficient, we no longer function in a healthy way… again, regardless of whether or not we’ve been labeled.

My overall point (it took me awhile to get to it today!) is that if you've been diagnosed with some disease or condition, remember that it's not permanent. You can make healthier choices - add more purity and sufficiency, decrease toxicities and deficiencies - and you WILL begin to regain your health.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sweets, Treats and Sugar, Oh My!

Today I’m going to re-visit a subject I talked about quite a while ago on this site. Many parents ask me, “Aren’t you afraid of your kids rebelling against you because of your strict nutrition rules?”

I do think about this a lot. My daughter has actually shown signs of this at school during all their various parties and celebrations where they serve sweets to the kids. At the class Christmas party, one of the activities the kids participated in was decorating a sugar cookie. I think I actually saw her salivating as she waited her turn! You’ve never seen a cookie decorated with such speed and determination! I suppose because she rarely has anything like this, she does go a little loopy at the opportunity!

I always tell her that as long as she has “filled up with health first” she can sample a little bit of the sweet, if she chooses. It’s interesting how the word ‘sample’ means something completely different to a kid! I had to whisper in her ear several times, “Put the cookie down, sweetie.” I swear she’d try to polish off an entire cake if someone put it in front of her!

Parents who know my health and nutrition beliefs find this hilarious, of course. I do too, at times!

So, what am I to do? The way it stands right now, she doesn’t have ‘sweets’ like this at home, in her lunch or when we go out to eat. Not even when we go to grandma and grandpa’s house! Along with us, she will enjoy birthday cake on occasion, or a special pie for Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. We've even been known to go out for ice cream! Once in a great while we might grant a request for dessert at home. When we do, it’s organic frozen yogurt or organic yogurt with granola and some berries. In the summer we make homemade popsicles. Several times a year, the kids and I will bake organic cookies together. They may have one per day for a couple days, then they usually forget about them!

If I were to listen to the advice of many well-intentioned others, it would be to “chill out” and give my daughter sweets on a more regular basis so that she doesn’t over-indulge when she is exposed to it outside of our home. I suppose I understand that kind of rationale. Initially, it seems to make sense. Then I remember that I’m not doing this to be controlling. I’m doing it because it’s my job as a parent to protect my children and give them the best opportunities I can. I also remember that she’s only 5… she doesn’t have the maturity to make the best health choices for herself yet.

I have a few challenges with the theory of giving her a bit of sugary, sweet, ‘junk’ food on a regular basis. First of all, it’s bad for her. Let’s not forget that. There’s no possible way to argue that this helps her in any health-related way. I’ve also been advised that she needs to eat like this so she can fit in with society… because “everybody else eats it”. Yet another comment that makes me want to home school and keep my kids in a bubble! Look around us… I do NOT want my children eating the way the majority of ‘society’ does! That is definitely not a selling point!

As parents, can you imagine if we bought into the “because everyone else is doing it” theory for other things, like drugs, alcohol, sex…? I don’t think so!

Another thing - I think that giving my daughter her daily dose of sugary, sweet snacks would be like giving a recovering alcoholic a daily drink… you know, so they don’t go overboard when that party comes along! Sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?!

Finally, I have no idea whether the daily dose theory would even prevent the once-in-awhile “freaking out” about sweets that she experiences. I could give her a cookies and ice cream every single day, and she may very well still inhale the entire cake at her next birthday party! Who knows!

What I do know is that I’m perfectly comfortable with the healthy food and nutrition guidelines I’ve set for our kids. It’s just the rest of society that doesn’t seem so comfortable! Soon enough, they’ll be spending more time ‘out there in the real world’ and they’ll be making their own choices. I don’t kid myself that I’ll be able to make every food decision for them. But I CAN teach them now what foods create health and which ones create toxicity. They do understand that… whether they like it or not is another story!

Oh well, just another learning experience in the lifelong journey of raising healthy kids!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

My Kids Are Weird! (part two)

Remember I mentioned that while I chuckled at that mom’s comment about being 1 of 10 families in the world who has never been to McDonalds, that I also thought it was pretty sad? I do.

I can totally understand how fast food places become a mainstay in the American family’s diet. They make it SO easy for us! The food is super cheap. It’s fast. There are a gazillion fast food restaurants and locations to choose from – there’s always one nearby it seems. And, in our crazy scheduled-life, it saves us tremendous time. Plus, the kids love it and never complain! Shoot, they’ve even got toys and playgrounds for the kids – who wouldn’t love it?? It’s a parent’s dream!

I get it completely.

And I hate it. It’s so unfair. Parents don’t stand a chance against these savvy marketers. Planning and creating healthy, interesting and varying home cooked meals for the entire family takes tremendous dedication and effort. If you’re purchasing organic products, in many cases, it also takes a bit more financial investment as well. That’s what the fast food mega industry is banking on… that you don’t have the conviction, determination or desire to go to such effort.

In our family, we make it work. It isn’t easy, but like I said last time, fast food restaurants aren’t an option. Our worst offense is an occasional take-out pizza, from a local place that prides itself on using the freshest high quality ingredients. All things considered, I guess it’s the best of the worst! We “health it up” by making a salad or veggies to eat along with it.

Other than that, I plan ahead. I shop once a week at Whole Foods Market and purchase our ‘clean’ meats, produce and personal care and household items that I know I won’t find at other local grocery stores. Once a week I also re-stock our produce at the local ‘mainstream’ grocery store that now carries a wide variety of organic produce… usually at even lower prices than Whole Foods.

So many people say to me that they can’t afford organic foods. All I can (or should!) comment on is how we make it work. We don’t spend a single penny in fast food restaurants. We don’t buy junk food. We don’t buy pop, ‘sports’ drinks or any ‘fake’ juice drinks. We don’t buy the pizza lunches offered at our daughter’s school. We eat at a restaurant on average 2-3 times per month. We rarely-to-never buy overpriced ‘designer’ coffee at the local hang-outs anymore.

The list of ‘common’ things we don’t spend money on is long and varied, and spans far more than just the category of food and nutrition. We don’t have video games or all the new, trendy toys. I won’t buy conventional cleaning or laundry products (I usually make them for pennies). We rarely go out shopping for ourselves or our home. We’re not misers or penny-pinchers. But we also don’t have Oprah’s money tree in our back yard either!

My point is simply to say that we choose to spend a lot less money than many families on certain socially common things. Therefore, we have ‘extra’ money to invest in higher quality nutrition and things we feel are critical at this stage of the game (education, a variety of extracurricular activities and experiences for the kids, etc). We spend our money NOW on the things we can’t go back and change LATER.

Establishing a solid foundation of health for children is absolutely critical. There are certain things that are irreversible. I believe that a childhood riddled with poor nutrition creates cellular dysfunction for life. I believe that the majority of the life-threatening diseases we see in adulthood actually begin in childhood. I believe that every choice we make on behalf of our kids does matter.

So, what’s going to work for your family? Do you have enough time to cook more home cooked meals? That’s up to you. Do you have ‘enough money’ to buy higher quality food for your family? I guess that depends on what else you’re spending your money on. The choice is always yours. I just always ask the parents who come to me for advice to be very clear with themselves first.

If you “can’t” find the time or “can’t” afford to eat better, remember what the word “can’t” really means. It means either (a) you don’t understand or don’t know how, or (b) you just don’t want to. If it’s (a), I’m here to help! Either way, I trust that you’re doing the very best you can with the resources you have available! Good for you!

Friday, January 11, 2008

My Kids Are Weird! (part one)

Yesterday in our wellness practice, I had an interesting conversation with a great mom about McDonalds and other fast food restaurants. She, by the way, has been doing an amazing job over the last few years to lead her entire family to a much healthier lifestyle. Anyway, during the course of the conversation it came up that my kids have never been to McDonalds or any other fast food restaurant. She didn’t believe me. Couldn’t believe me! She joked that we must be 1 of 10 families on the entire planet who have never taken their kids to Mickey D’s. I laughed, but thought it was very sad at the same time.

Another mom who overheard our conversation said that I should have a seminar and/or write a book specifically teaching parents how to NOT take their kids there – what they could say to their kids to make them understand, what they could eat instead, how to break the habit, etc. Parents are also very concerned about childhood obesity and want to know how they can prevent it, or correct it.

I had to leave the office to drop my daughter off at dance class. While there, the owner of the studio asked me to come and give a seminar for all the parents and dancers on her competitive dance teams. Apparently, those girls are there for so many hours day in and day out, and they eat junk and fast food on their breaks. The owner, the instructors, the parents and even the dancers are all looking for nutrition guidance to help them achieve higher performance levels and optimal health – they know they’re on the wrong track right now.

Funny, the owner of the gymnastics training facility in our town asked me the exact same thing about her top level performers a couple months ago. Apparently, anyone who's interested in performing their best knows they need to clean up their nutrition.

Do our kids need to be in competitive sports for us to want them to perform their best? Of course not!

A critical point to make here is that I see no pedestal under my feet when I talk about this… I am not a “better” mother because I’ve never taken the kids to fast food joints. I’m not really sure how to effectively explain it – it’s such a non-issue for my husband and I. We just don’t go there. Not an option. Our kids are very clear on this... "we don't go there". As for now, it's simple in our family.

Personally, I never say never! I’m sure someday we’ll end up in one of those places for some reason or other. No big deal. We’ll find whatever their healthiest options are and go from there. I figure that the longer I can keep them away from fast food (and a long list of other 'bad' things in life), the more time I'll have to teach them how to be responsible enough to make healthy choices even when I'm not there. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

What you won’t see, unless I suffer a serious head injury, is our family stopping there with any regularity or frequency. There's just not enough "health" on the menu. I suppose exception #2 would be if they start serving organic meats and fresh, preferably organic, vegetables! Do we have our vices? Heck yes! My husband and I LOVE Mexican food. We go through spells where we’ll visit our favorite little spot a few times in a few months, then we take a break… do a little cleansing! If we ate like that all the time, it would be impossible to achieve a state of health.

Anyhow, my daughter had no clue that a place called McDonalds even existed until she started school. That alone makes we want to homeschool! Her entire first year of school, she thought McDonalds was a toy store because of all the little toys her classmates would bring in from their visits there. One of her friends gave the entire class $5 gift cards for Christmas last year and she wanted to go shopping for a toy there. Mysteriously, that gift card ended up in the recycling bin!

This year in school, her friends have ‘clued her in’ that McDonalds and Burger King are actually restaurants that serve “good food”. So, of course, now I’m the bad mom because “everyone else gets to go there” and her friends think she eats weird food (you know, those weird carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, yogurt, chicken, soup...!) Man, I thought I had a couple more years before I’d be hearing that!

We drove by Burger King after dance class and the stories about how ‘her friends all say that their parents say it’s OK to go there' started all over again. In sheer frustration, I pulled the car over and turned around to explain to her that countless parents are actually pleading with her mom and dad to teach them what we know. They want their kids to stop eating at these places. "You're so lucky to have parents who know about Nutrition and Health", I heard myself say! She just rolled her eyes at me! I turned around and cracked up inside my head! It'll be a long journey with this kid... she's either gong to finally 'get it' one of these days, or she'll be hanging out a McDonalds everyday after school from the time she's 7, just to spite me!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Weight "Loss" or "Misplacement"?

Ok, apparently I need to clarify something. With all the talk about fat burning and weight loss on this site, I have people say to me on occasion, "You don't ever want to say weight LOSS, because whatever you lose you're sure to find again... you wouldn't want to program yourself to anticipate FINDING your weight again!"

Makes me smile!

I have practiced 'intentional word choice' for many years now. For example, I won't say, "my back is killing me" or "I'm sick and tired of this", because I DO believe that what we say over and over will eventually be believed by our cells... and manifested. So, I understand where these fine folks are coming from... BUT....

Apparently, you need to know me better! If you did, you'd know that once I LOSE something, it's GONE! No chance it's coming back... it has disappeared into the same mysterious abyss that takes socks from our dryer, hair clips from my daughter and details of our conversations from my husband!

Now, if I would have said "weight MISPLACEMENT" we'd be in big trouble! In that case, I'd fully expect to re-visit those old pounds of fat really soon! When most people say they've "lost" their keys, I've simply "misplaced" mine for now. No biggie. I don't think most people want to misplace thier weight - I'd venture to guess they want to LOSE it!

I'm kinda' poking fun at some of the big-name "weight management" programs and companies today! I'm glad that so many people take it so seriously - we should take our health seriously. We should also take our word choice seriously AND intentionally. I just wish that people would take ALL their words and expressions so literally... their subconscious and their bodies certainly do!

(But hey, if it helps people lose their excess weight and toxic fat, who am I to scold?!)

Go ahead and say it... say, "I'm losing weight!" Say it and mean it. If you really mean it, that weight and the accompanying fat and inches will be gone forever!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

New Year - Time to Shed Last Year's Weight!

Following the death of my mom in mid-November, I found myself dealing with the grief by feeding myself... a lot more than usual! I was having a lovely pity party! I suppose the holidays didn't help much either. I was much too tired and worn down this year to be my "well behaved" self!

Additionally, whether it's grief-related stress or as a result of everyday life: relationships, job, kids, lack of sleep, traffic, etc., stress and it's trickle-down myriad of hormonal effects causes us to gain weight and hold onto it - particularly in our abs and midsection. No amount of abdominal exercises will ever get rid of this kind of excess weight.

So, come January 1st, I found myself making the same New Year's Resolution that countless others do as well... lose weight and get back in shape. Unique, isn't it?

Thankfully, I didn't ever let myself go WAY down the tube. I DO practice what I preach, afterall! But, I'm also human! So, it's just a few pounds that I'd like to get rid of, a few inches around my midsection/core area and a few body fat percentages.

You know when you don't feel quite the way you'd like to, even though others say you look good? It's what we see when we look in the mirror that others don't that can drive us mad! There are days that I think I'd like to have all the mirrors in our house removed! But then I see my little 2 and 1/2 year old exhibitionist dancing his heart out in the nude while cracking up at himself in the mirror... OK, the mirrors can stay!

To burn the fat, lose the weight and inches, I very quickly knew what I needed to do. My husband and I started another 30 day Cleansing and Fat Burning program by Isagenix at the start of the month. This was just such a no-brainer - again! We've been collecting success story after success story about the Isagenix systems in our Wellness practice for several months now. It's like a broken record - everyone tells us, "it's so easy... I just did what the program said to do and I lost the weight." I like easy!

So I'm back on track with high intensity workouts and regular cardio. But I think the critical step in dropping my "stress weight" is definitely the cleansing and fat burning program. It draws all those stress and pity-party indulgence-related toxins out of my system and the fat just starts melting away as a result. Toxins are stored in fat. More stress and more deficient & toxic lifestyle choices make us chronically toxic and fat. We end up stuck in a vicious cycle.

In addition to cleansing and removing toxins, the Isagenix system also replenishes our bodies with excellent nutrition to start re-building better health. This is why I feel so great and so satisfied while doing the cleanse. It's fantastic for you!

For me, Isagenix has proven itself personally and professionally. I'm so happy for all the man and women who have achieved fabulous results using the programs... I love watching their self-esteem and confidence return. It has been a blessing in our practice and in our town. As for me, I'm not even a full week into the 30 day program yet and the scales and measuring tape are already confirming another success. I'm no Skinny Minnie, but I sure do feel a whole lot better... and happier! That's all that matters to me.

If you're ready to join me and melt some fat and sculpt a new you, I'd be happy to 'coach' you through your program. Just send me an email directly to our practice at, rather than through this website (so that I can respond to you). If you're already ready to get started, go right to Your best $$$ saving option is to "Sign Up & Save" in order to get the wholesale pricing on this order and future orders. Choose the cleansing program and flavors you prefer. When you order the 30 day program (the easiest, most effective and best deal, in my opinion), you make your 'membership fee' back in just that one order. "No brainer" comes to mind again!

If you have any challenges with ordering, again, email me directly at and type "Isagenix" in the subject line... I'll get back to you ASAP!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

If You Have a Question For Me...

For the time being, if you have a question for me please send it directly to our practice email: Just put "Dr. Mom" in the subject line. This way I can respond to you! Thanks... and Be Well!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Choosing The Right Fat and Weight Loss System

Two excellent fat-burning, weight loss and toning programs recommended on this site are:
1) The Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle System, and
2) The Truth About Six Pack Abs program.

Obviously, since both programs are featured on my site, I wholeheartedly recommend both. That being said, people ask me which one I'd recommend the most. Tough call, but I would give one of the programs a slightly higher ranking than the other. REAL slight... so slight, in fact, that my top recommendation would be to invest in both programs for best results!!! But if you can only buy one... allow me to compare and contrast for you:

Why Do You Need Either Program?
Look around you. Perhaps even look in the mirror. As a society, our body fat percentage has climbed to monumental proportions! Continuing to do what everyone else is doing will ensure that you keep looking like everyone else in mainstream America! We are desperately in need of highly effective, no frills, time-conscious programs and systems that we can easily incorporate into our busy lifestyle. When we lose our excess fat, tone up, increase our metabolism AND learn how to properly fuel our bodies, we completely re-create ourselves, inside and out. We also drastically reduce our risk factor for developing the diseases of lifestyle that threaten our future health.

The Benefits:
BOTH programs have been designed by certified, legitimate trainers. "The Truth About Six Pack Abs" is by Mike Geary and "Fit Yummy Mummy" is by Holly Rigsby.
BOTH programs offer quick, effective and visible results using safe, natural methods.
BOTH programs focus on the core - the midsection. This also provides the added benefit of significantly revving up your metabolism to turn you into a fat-burning machine!
BOTH give specific recommendations for exercise programs.
BOTH give excellent nutritional advice and tips, including meal plans.
BOTH can be easily worked into your busy life.
*** ADVANTAGE: The Fit Yummy Mummy program caters to busy moms... it features quick workouts to easily fit into a mom's schedule, as well as nutritional tips and planning for the entire family.

How Fast Will You See Results?
BOTH programs will provide incredibly quick and visible results - within days to weeks. Obviously, the more you stick to the simple advice in each program, the sooner you'll see results and the better your results will be over time.

Any Complications?
The only complication I see is if you choose to do nothing! Doing nothing guarantees that you get to keep what you've got! Maybe it's a "baby belly" or cellulite or extra pounds and sizes... whatever it is, it's yours for good if you do nothing!

Your Investment:
BOTH programs offer a solid basic program for the exact same price of $39.95.
BOTH come with a risk-free, money-back 8 week guarantee.
BOTH basic programs come with excellent bonus e-books. "The Truth About Six Pack Abs" program comes with 7 free e-books ranging from abs workouts and stair exercises to smoothie recipes and stretching routines. The "Fit Yummy Mummy" program comes with 10 free e-books that definitely cater to the lifestyle of a busy mom: quick and easy meal planning, 6 minute emergency workouts, drastically reducing your dress size, the cellulite cure, and so on. Fantastic bonus materials!
***ADVANTAGE: Fit Yummy Mummy.

The Decision Maker:
Once again, if you can get both programs, do that! They're both fantastic and have their own unique benefits. BUT, if you can only invest in one, my vote is for the DELUXE package offered by Fit Yummy Mummy. In addition to the original Fit Yummy Mummy e-book plus all 10 bonus books, you also get The Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle System that features 6 additional tools to help you create a whole new you!

There's an exercise video to get you started, 4 audio recordings to help you get the best results (The Top Secrets of Fat Burning Exercise for Moms, Everything You Need to Know About Fat Burning Nutrition for Moms, Mom's Time Management Guidelines - The #1 Secret to Your Success, How To Modify Your Eating Behavior For Success) and an additional bonus workout "Turbulence Training for Abs" by Craig Ballantyne, the training advisor for Oxygen Magazine.

You get incredible, highly valuable tools to help you get the results you want, all for a really reasonable price - a steal actually! The entire deluxe package is only $147. That's the original program plus 10 bonus books plus 6 bonus audios and videos! You can't beat it!

The Truth About Six Pack Abs program also offers a Deluxe package. When you upgrade to deluxe, you will also receive the book "Eating Right Made Simple" for half price ($19 vs. $38). This book is a fantastic tool to simplify the overwhelming world of food and nutrition. The Deluxe package for Truth About Six Pack Abs is only $59.

To learn more about "The Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle System", CLICK HERE.

To learn more about "The Truth About Six Pack Abs", CLICK HERE.

Final thoughts... as a Health and Wellness specialist and mommy of 2 little muchkins, I feel that the "Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle System" does an excellent job catering to the unique needs, concerns and challenges that busy moms face.

For example, I really like how the author realizes that meal-planning needs to include the rest of the family! Very few of us can afford the luxury of hiring a professional chef to create personalized meals for us and separate meals for the rest of our family!

I also like how time management is addressed - that's a big deal for a busy mom. If you feel you 'have no time' you'll never achieve the results you want. The bonus materials about cellulite, dress sizes and adding some serious style to your look are all right up our alley as moms who don't necessarily want to look like "just a mom!"

To order "The Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle System", CLICK HERE.

To order "The Truth About Six Pack Abs", CLICK HERE.

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