Monday, March 3, 2008

Party Preparations

Over the weekend, my husband planned a birthday party for me at our local Mexican restaurant. I love this place!

The challenge is, I can't exactly say that it creates more health in my body when I eat there! Knowing that health is created when you add pure and sufficient foods, and minimize the amount of toxic and deficient foods... yeah, can't say I was on the winning end of that equation in this fine establishment!

You know what? I love going there anyway!

Health is a balance of great nutrition, regular motion, sufficient rest, and healthy, happy MINDSET! Places like our favorite Mexican restaurant are worth their weight in gold for the mental, emotional and social balance they provide in my life! (I just know better than to eat there with any regularity anymore!)

Several folks who knew we were having my birthday party there commented, "I can't believe YOU would choose that restaurant... what could possibly be on the menu that you would EAT???" Cracks me up! So what if I don't exactly vary too much in my choices?! I don't order meat from many restaurants at all - I've got to see it and know more about it's life before I can ingest it!!! What's so strange about that?!

I keep it pretty simple when I go there. Usually, it's a cheese quesadilla or a veggie taco salad. Sometimes, I throw caution to the wind and order the Botana (I refuse to ask for a calorie count on this dish because I'm WAY too busy enjoying the heaping pile of avocados it comes with!).

Whatever I order, I'm absolutely certain that it will NOT cover my innate nutritional requirements for the day... nor the kids'. So what did I do to balance that out on Saturday? About an hour before we went, I fed the kids a hard-boiled egg and a plate loaded with veggies. I'm pretty sure I may have uttered once or twice, "Fill up with Health first, remember?!" I made myself a spinach salad with broccoli, edamame beans, egg and almond slices.

I made sure that I had my protein and my dark green veggies... the 2 things I knew I wouldn't see on my plate at the party. Let me clarify - I did NOT eat ahead of time to curb my appetite so that I wouldn't eat at the party. Not me! Nuh-uh... I don't "diet". No, I ate ahead of time to make sure I could enjoy whatever I felt like at the party!

Then guess what I did?

I went to the party, ate chips with salsa and guacamole and had a few margaritas... ALL guilt-free!!! My body was very forgiving since I had taken very good care of it earlier in the day. My head, heart and spirit were exceptionally happy since I took the time to relax and enjoy friends and family and keep my life in balance!

Life is very good!

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