Practical, simple, and scientifically accurate health, nutrition, exercise, and sustainable fat loss tips from an experienced Wellness doctor and mother of two... mixed with personal stories of parenting trials and tribulations, walking the cancer journey with both parents, helping others see things from the other side of the paradigm... and finding the blessings and humor in it all! Healthier does not have to mean harder! Join me in the healthy fun!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
What Are The Best Type Of Eggs To Buy?
I think one of the most interesting recent marketing tactics - leading to even more confusion - has been surrounding the issue of Omega-3 eggs. It sounds like they'd be a good thing, right? I mean, Omega-3 essential fatty acid supplementation is supposed to be so critically important for our health! ... right?
Dr. Mercola has a great article that nicely summarizes and clarifies the entire egg issue. He addresses the type of egg that's the best, how to cook them properly and what to watch out for. You can read his article by clicking on the link below:
Dr. Mercola's website and free e-newsletters are an excellent resource for every family to have at their disposal. We refer to his articles almost daily, both in our practice and at home. It's a wealth of information presented in an unbiased way - how refreshing!
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