Practical, simple, and scientifically accurate health, nutrition, exercise, and sustainable fat loss tips from an experienced Wellness doctor and mother of two... mixed with personal stories of parenting trials and tribulations, walking the cancer journey with both parents, helping others see things from the other side of the paradigm... and finding the blessings and humor in it all! Healthier does not have to mean harder! Join me in the healthy fun!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
My 12 Favorite POWER Pregnancy Foods
My 12 favorite power foods were, and still are:
1) Avocados: they're loaded with mono-unsaturated fats, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin E, folic acid, lutein and protein. I especially enjoyed these in my first pregnancy when I was following a vegetarian lifestyle.
2) Beans and legumes: great source of fiber, zinc and protein. They strengthen the kidneys and adrenals and therefore promote physical growth and development. I LOVE beans! I thought for sure that at least one of my babies would come out looking like a chickpea, black bean or green pea! I just couldn't get enough of them!
3) Berries: nature's source of antioxidants, vitamins and phytonutrients. God's candy! Look for organic, fresh and seasonal whenever possible.
4) Dark leafy greens: Vitamins A and C, folic acid, fiber, antioxidants and CALCIUM.
5) Eggs: protein, vitamin A, iron. If you purchase omega-3 or DHA enhanced eggs, you also benefit from the essential fatty acids content, Many grocers now carry organic, free-range eggs... worth the price and effort to decrease your toxicity and increase your purity during this important time of growing a human being inside you!
6) Green veggies: broccoli & asparagus, especially. Yum. It's no wonder my daughter asked for broccoli on her 2nd Christmas... she came by it naturally! These two power veggies are loaded with calcium (broccoli has almost as much as whole milk and it's better absorbed), vitamin C, E and A, selenium, zinc, B-complex and potassium. Asparagus in particular is the food highest in glutathione - a critical anticarcinogen.
7) Sprouts: contain protein, enzymes, vitamin C and some B vitamins.
8) Fatty fish or Non-toxic fish oil supplement: Provides essential fatty acids for your chemical/emotional balance as well as your baby's brain and neurological development.
I kept trying... but I just can't stand fish! Instead, I guzzled TONS of pure fish oil throughout both pregnancies... even more during post-partum. You have to make sure it's NON-toxic, ultra-refined, pharmaceutical grade... whatever your preferred brand calls it to make sure there is NO MERCURY in it. You get what you pay for with this one. Spend a little more to invest in the safest brain building nutrient you could possibly provide for you and your baby.
9) Raw nuts: great source of vitamin E, magnesium, mono-unsaturated fats. Almonds are like the King of Nuts! They are anticarcinogenic, lower cholesterol, alkalinize the entire system, while supporting the digestive and nervous systems. They are a very good source of protein, several B vitamins, CALCIUM, iron, potassium and phosphorus.
10) Organic, grass-fed or hormone & antibiotic free bison and chicken. My two meats of choice... get a clean source of your favorites. Excellent protein, iron and zinc source.
11) Sweet potatoes: great source of vitamins A and E.
12) Organic kefir and yogurt: provide beneficial probiotic bacteria, calcium and protein.
My nutritional focus during pregnancy and postpartum wase to get enough pure protein, greens and omega-3, DHA in particular. On the days I wasn't too sure if my food would achieve those 3 goals, I'd mix a smoothie with my favorite protein (Dream Protein - see my favorite links for free samples), Greens First (ditto) and Innate Choice fish oil. All bases were covered!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
My Kids and Television
After going off about television a few blogs ago, guess what my kids did the very next day??? Yep, you guessed it! They watched T.V. Uh-huh, you read that right! For a solid 90 minutes, too!
It was one of my "reality moments" as a mom... the deadline for a newsletter I write was quickly approaching, I had letters to write and calls to make for work, I had to read several articles for various research, it was ickly and drizzly outside, my 5-year old was whining with ever-increasing volume and my toddler was turning into a complete lunatic without a nap!
It's completely and utterly amazing how quickly they calmed to a near zombie-like state when I turned that television on! It was a rare moment, indeed, that I found myself actually thankful for their temporary braindeath!!!!
Aaaaaaahhhhhhh.... I finally got a little piece and quiet... finished what I needed to... then fed them each a spoonful of fish oil to replenish their brains, gave them a big glass of water, then took them outside for some high energy freeze tag!
Hey, it all balances out, right?!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
More on Proprioception
BUT, when there's a 'blockage' of normal motion in the spine (due to misalignment, poor posture, birth trauma, injury, degeneration, disc injury, etc.), called Subluxation of the spine, movement and exercise CANNOT fix this. Yes, they are critically important in overall health. But when there is subluxation present, the only appropriate treatment is a specific Chiropractic adjustment protocol.
Don't mess around with the health of your child's spine and nervous system!
By "messing around" I mean: don't ignore it and don't let anyone else claim to be an expert in this area!! I would never let anyone other than a Doctor of Chiropractic near my children's spines and nervous systems.... and I would never think of NOT having them regularly checked for subluxation.
Yes, I certainly AM biased when it comes to this topic... and I'm OK with that! I fully understand the education and training involved in Chiropractic. I would seek out a Doctor of Chiropractic who has completed advanced training and study is Wellness and Nutrition... I firmly believe that a doctor who has completed the very rigorous and thorough Wellness Certification program, taught by international researcher and wellness expert, Dr. James Chestnut, is the best doctor you could possibly have on your wellness team.
So, when subluxation is present, it causes many malfunctions in the body/mind. Some we can feel, most we cannot. We can't feel organs, tissues and systems in the body slowly lose their ability to produce optimal function. We just slowly develop dis-ease. A lack of ease and proper function in the body. A lack of optimal health.
Specific Chiropractic adjustments restore movement to specific joints of the spine... producing proprioception.
A health plan that does not include regular, proactive Chiropractic care is a health plan that is incomplete. An incomplete health plan results in incomplete health!
Get on the Ball!
Try replacing your computer desk chair with an exercise ball.
You'll notice improved posture, better energy, improved ability to focus, better balance... even better abs! Cool!
Several of our Practice Members who need to sit at their desks for many hours each day have purchased "The Balance Ball Chair" from We have one in our office as well. I love it! You just feel healthier (and taller!) while sitting on it vs. a standard chair.
So, if you or your kids can't avoid sitting for long periods of time, you can definitely improve your surroundings by using a ball.
I've even heard of a few very proactive, wellness-oriented schools using balls instead of chairs in the classroom! Think about it... once the novelty wears off for the kids, sitting on a ball is producing constant proprioception throughout the day.... brain produces high doses of dopamine and serotonin.... kids are happier, more balanced, can focus better, and are more capable of learning and remembering.
Makes SO much sense.
How to Keep Your Kids Moving...
Actually, back up a step. Sitting is bad. Sitting is to your spine like sugar is to your teeth. Our bodies were not designed to thrive or function well sitting for the length of time we do everyday. Avoid it as much as you can - have your kids avoid it as much as they can. Tough, when they have to sit all day at school, I know. At least you can make it better for them when they're home.
Ideally, kids should be out and about, running, playing, skipping, exploring... that's how they develop and advance, naturally. BUT, when they want to 'chill' and wind down, try some different things. My kids are young enough that they don't gripe too much about this one:
I have a rule that when watching a movie, they are not allowed on the furniture, no more than a few minutes anyway, then they have to change positions &/or location. They can sit or lie down on the floor. They can stand or move around. They just cannot sit on the couch long enough that they could start to grow spuds! Stagnant bodies of water attract disease. Stagnant human bodies don't fare much better! If there's music in the movie, they dance to it. I've even been known to pause a movie and have them do 5 minutes of jumping jacks/crazy dancing/yoga, etc. with their loopy mom! I know they think I'm absolutely nuts! Not a big deal... I'd rather have healthy kids than worry about them thinking I'm wacky! (they're gonna' think that anyway!)
Another highly recommended idea is to provide child-size exercise balls for them in whatever rooms they hang out in. Sitting on, bouncing on, rolling on a ball is highly beneficial for optimal posture (spinal and muscular development), as well as developing fantastic skills using balance, and most importantly, feeding their brains and nervous systems with tremendous doses of Proprioception!
When the brain receives ample propioceptive input from the spinal joints in particular, the result is that the brain produces sufficient amounts of critical neurotransmitters, like serotonin (promotes a feeling of well being and balance) and dopamine (promotes the ability to focus, learn new information, recall old information). One of the most important things you can encourage your kids to do is MOVE! This is what actually creates proprioception. Brain food.
I tease my kids on their "lazy days" that I can smell their brains rotting! This typically motivates them to move their gluteus maximus a bit more! Such a sweet mommy, aren't I?!
One other tip that I personally recommend is to turn music on vs. the television. Simple, I know. My kids have spent many hilarious hours dancing together this summer... all to my great pleasure. It's one of those happy mommy moments when you see your children dancing, laughing and having a blast! It's great exercise... especially the way they dance! I think I can actually hear their brains growing as they do this!
Now all we need is a disco ball!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Kids and the 'Boob Tube'
Seriously though, I DO have some legitimate reasons. A couple of them are:
- research has shown that the quickly changing images on the screen are damaging to optimal brain development
- I think I've actually seen my children's brains turn completely off once the television is on!!! It's like watching my husband watch any sporting event... drives me NUTS!
- I despise, vehemently despise, the commercials! Kids are exposed to unbelievable amounts of violence, questionable portrayal of sexuality and DRUG commercials ad nauseum. It's the drug commercials that drive me over the edge!
Kids are subtly brainwashed into thinking that they need drugs (you may know them as 'medication'... I know them as drugs!) ... that their bodies couldn't possibly function normally without this chemical input. Yet, we expect them to "just say NO"???
I think it's too late for most grown-ups! Most I talk to are completely de-sensitized to this issue. Makes me sad. But with kids, it completely ticks me off. I'm worried about creating a future filled with people who have no idea what real, natural health feels like... or how to achieve it. I'm also worried about how many children are developing chronic drug dependence and will develop a state of chronic dis-ease due to the toxic drugs they regularly take.
(I'm also concerned that in the near future, men will no longer know what a 'real' breast looks like! ha! OK, I digress...)Because of the commercials alone I'd rather let the kids watch a "Dr. Mom approved" movie from time to time. Even if they've seen it 25 times, at least I know what to expect!
By the way, I don't think for one second that any parent would knowingly give their child something they thought might harm them. (I'm not talking about that miniscule percentage of the population that are truly dangerous). I believe that parents just don't know the whole truth... they don't have all the information. If so, of course they'd make even better health choices for their kids. That's why I write these blogs!
Watching television also seems to work in direct opposition to the human body's natural requirements for movement. Parking it on the couch for a few hours a week, or a day, is obviously a contributing factor to childhood obesity. Our bodies need to MOVE! Wellness experts have said that movement is actually one of the most important 'nutrients' for our bodies, and brains. Movement creates Proprioceptive input... which essentially feeds the brain. A sedentary lifestyle starves the brain of this critical input.
So, what's a kid to do rather than watch television?
In the next blog, I'll share some tips and suggestions that work well for our family, as well as several from our experienced Practice Members.
Let me know what works for you and I'll share it with the group!
P.S. I know there are some fabulous educational opportunities available on television... unfortunately, I just never seem to catch them... nor am I actively seeking times for my kids to sit and watch the tube! Let me know your favorites, and don't forget to tell me what kind of commercials they show during the episode! (eg. ever notice that if you watch the Today show or Good Morning America, you might end up thinking that you need about 6 different meds just to be 'normal'??!!)
Friday, August 10, 2007
A Favorite (and Healthy) Snack at our House
In a bowl, mix:
- organic kefir or yogurt
- organic hemp granola
- ground flaxseeds
- fresh, organic blueberries and strawberries
Kefir and yogurt have beneficial probiotics to build overall health. Hemp granola has more protein than most grains, and hemp has countless other health benefits. Flax is an omega 3 fatty acid. Fresh berries provide abundant phytonutrients and antioxidants for vibrant health.
Obviously, substitute whatever you like. This is just our family's favorite.
... and our kids think it's dessert!!!
Go figure!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
One of the BIGGEST Back to School Health Tips
In fact, if you could teach your kids to make great, nutritious food choices (and to eat to live vs. live to eat!), you really wouldn't need to be too concerned about 98% of the nutritional supplements on the market today. Vitamins, minerals, fiber, healthy fats, etc. is all supposed to come from our food... not a bottle!
BUT, even if you and your family eat a near-perfect diet, we've come to a point in time where it's next to impossible to maintain our healthy balance of long-chain Omega 3 essential fatty acids. It's a combination of:
- our natural sources, deep cold water fish, now being toxic, tainted and not containing as much omega 3 as they once did... you'd have to eat more wild Alaskan salmon than you could ever stomach, or afford!
- the current North American diet dumps excessive omega 6 into us... throwing the delicate balance of omega 3, 6 and 9 completely out of whack!
That's why our top recommendation for supplementation is pure, non-toxic fish oil. It's a MUST for everyone, but particularly growing brains.
These long chain omega 3's (vs. short chain, like flax oil) are responsible for a healthy brain, nervous system and immune system. When we have ample supplies of this critical supplement, we can think clearly, we have a sense of well being (anti-depressants try to mimic the natural effects of omega 3's), we can more effectively learn new information & recall old information, we're less agitated and anxious and we're able to focus better.
Hey, doesn't that sound like something you'd want for your kids this coming school year???
You get what you pay for when it comes to nutritional supplements... especially fish oil! Seek out pure, ultra-refined, non-toxic sources. Otherwise, you'll just be dumping in concentrated toxins. If you'd like my/our personal recommendation for what we consider the highest quality product on the market, just ask!
Start building your child's supplies of omega 3 fatty acids NOW and you'll notice a remarkable difference by the time school rolls around!
Back to School Health Tips, Part 2
To teach your kids how to make the best food choices (this also works for grown-ups!), keep it real simple. We teach that your primary daily food choices should come from foods that "God grows": foods that can be grown in a garden, in an orchard or raised on a farm. Kids seem to get this concept pretty quickly. Let's not complicate it at this point by mentioning all the genetically modified crops, irradiated meat, hormones, steroids, antibiotics, pesticides, etc. that are regularly used in our conventional food industry! They may never eat again if you tell them all that now!
I think the first step just really needs to be REAL food. After you've accomplished that, then you can work on investing in the cleanest and most nutritious sources of that food that you can get your hands on (organic, fresh, local, seasonal, grass-fed vs. grain-fed beef & bison, free-range chicken and eggs, etc.)
Next, we work on empowering kids by teaching them to make healthy choices even when you're not around. In our family, we teach our kids to choose a healthy protein source first - like the 'clean' meats we purchase, organic free-range eggs, almonds, nut butters and limited organic yogurt and cheese. When they're not with us, &/or we're not in control of the food choices available, we usually don't expect to see the cleanest versions of these proteins made available. We don't sweat it too much... we know they eat amazingly well most other times! I do try to steer our kids away from conventional meats as much as possible - some health experts say that the muscle tissue that comprises meat really has an affinity for all the toxins (steroids, antibiotics, radiation, hormones, etc.).... and you can't exactly wash this out of the meat!
The very next nutritious choice to make is vegetables. That was plural! Our kids are asked to choose at least 2 veggie sources with their meals and snacks.
Next is fruit.
Finally, once they've done a great job filling up with the healthiest foods, then they can choose a starchy food. In our meals at home, we don't have a whole lot of these. But when they're at a friends house or a party, at least they understand that all the crackers, breads, potatoes, rice, etc. doesn't come before protein, veggies and fruit.
Of course, this doesn't account for all the sugary foods, snack foods, junk foods and 'treats'. Those have no place on the optimal health list! I understand that they do have a place on the real life list though! Just remember, all choices have consequences!
We never say never. We just make sure the top of the list has been completed first.... and we don't use sweets, junk or other fake foods as bribery. Kids need to understand the importance, and the lifelong benefits of choosing healthy foods. The reward is lifetime wellness, NOT toxic junk that harms them in the long run. If you want to splurge on sweets, like we certainly do from time to time, let's not confuse that with a choice that moves us toward health. And let's certainly not call it a 'treat' if it's actually harmful to our health! It's perfectly OK to CHOOSE a less-than-ideal food. Just be clear about it with yourself, and especially with your children.
1) As much as you possibly can, provide real foods for your kids (food that is grown or raised). Then work on purchasing/growing the cleanest sources possible.
2) The hierarchy of healthy choices: protein, vegetables, fruit then starch.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Back to School Health Tips, Part 1
In our upcoming back to school kids' nutrition and performance workshops in our office, we'll be talking a lot about parenting "the wellness way". The first element to adopting a wellness lifestyle is mindset. It's how you think, what you know and your philosophy of health that will determine the actions you take with your health and your family's. You need to do your homework when it comes to health. We certainly can't believe what the savvy marketers 'teach' us on television. That's scary, and a surefire way to move away from wellness!
Next, as a parent, you've got to take back the reins! Your child's health is up to YOU! I understand perfectly well that you can't "control" them, or be with them 24/7 to monitor every morsel that goes into their mouth. BUT, you can lay down the law and help your child make better nutritional choices for life. Similar to teaching them morals, right from wrong, manners, etc. Teach them how to make the best choices... even when you're not around. But first, just like when teaching a toddler to say 'please' or risk not getting what they want, you'll need to establish clear expectations and then help your child stick to them... comfortable or not. Hey, it's about their HEALTH... as parents, we should see beyond any initial discomfort and anticipate a healthier lifestyle as a result.
In our practice, we teach that the easiest way to accomplish this is not by taking away the "bad", but rather by adding more "good". For example, instead of telling your child that he can no longer drink soda pop, you could start to provide more pure water for him to drink throughout the day. More on that in a bit.
Anyhow, if you're going to make improvements in your child's health this school year, some of this mindset shifting needs to begin now... before they're knee-deep in bad habits at school! I feel very strongly about your role as the protector/defender of your child's health. It's time to let your child know that it's your job to keep them healthy. We like to say it's time to "put on a different hat". Tell your child it's time for you to wear your "I love you and I'm going to help you stay healthy" hat! They may not always like it, but I'm OK with that! You wouldn't let them go out and use drugs or drink alcohol... right??!!! Sounds silly! Well, for me, it sounds silly, and equally dangerous, to let your child regularly consume toxic foods. It's OK - you didn't know! Once you know though, it's time to take action!
Let your child know that in order for them to be ready for school... to be stronger... to have more energy... to build their immune system, (whatever works for them!), that you need to help them build some health in the weeks remaining before school. Some examples we're using with parents in our practice are:
- add daily fish oil (omega 3 fatty acids) to build a strong, healthy brain and nervous systemadd - daily vegetables and fruit to strengthen the immune system and give energymake sure to eat - lean and clean protein to build strong, lean muscles - add more pure water to keep their bodies clean, energetic and hydrated
If you're feeling a little adventurous with this process, go ahead and work with your child to decrease (or eliminate) some of the most toxic nutritional habits they have, like pop, fast foods, junk food, processed/factory foods, excess sugar, high fructose corn syrup, conventional dairy products, etc. Yikes! Some change is not for the timid! We'll talk more about this in upcoming blogs. For now, work on re-establishing your authority (if you've lost a bit of it over the years!), and gain the respect of your children by demonstrating that you are knowledgable when it comes to nutrition. Also, let's not forget to state the obvious... your children 'hear' your actions much louder than your words. If you need to get back on track with your nutritional health, go for it! The September back to school season is the perfect time to make a fresh start and turn things around.
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